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How To Ask Out A Woman Who Might Think You’re A Stalker?

I met a young woman nearly a decade ago when we first started college. I failed to have the confidence to approach her and upon the day in which I did, she dropped the course. Eventually, I found her on MySpace.
I admitted having had feelings for her and told her that i wished to give her a wooden watch I had crafted but only wanted to be friends. I probably terrified her and she rejected me saying that she was “having problems with the male race”.
As a relatively private introvert, I did not take it well and made some drastic changes the following years. I ended up finishing school in another state hoping to greet social change. It was indifferent. After school, I did it again and went to Japan. I worked for a Global 500 chemical company for 2 years there before finding my niche in derivatives, international stocks, and forex. I returned to the states a year ago and my social life still does not existent.
I have tried dating. Coworkers and long time acquaintances have introduced me to friends and family and they have never worked. Every time, I only thought of her.
I do not know why I admire her so much. Perhaps she is just so smart and conscientious that I cannot let go. Or perhaps, what the shrink says is true and my inability to let go and fail has become a detriment to my mind.
I have a wedding to attend in winter. I’ll be lending my GT2 to my older brother. He tells me if I really cannot give up, try one last time since time has passed and can be a change to mentality.
I am afraid of instilling the fear I may have once brought upon her and if she realizes availability of resources and expenses, I do not see a reason why she could not conclude to it. So, I am curious if you fine chaps happen to have any ideas of how I can approach her without seeming like an infatuated stalker.
Why am I insistent that she may be afraid? I also made the idiotic move of contacting her friends 9 years ago.
I expect some insults and jokes. That is fine as well.

No Responses to “How To Ask Out A Woman Who Might Think You’re A Stalker?”

  1. Jamie says:

    well as a girl i would have been a little creeped out myself, but if you keep tryin to interact with her se will just get more creeped out. first of all just take things slow. if u walk past her one timejust say ‘hay’and walk off if she doesnt say hay back thats fine but dont keep talking ewith her. also dont give her things like wooden clocks. give her things like kewelery, but not homemade, from the shops. also try to look goodaround her but dont let her notice you are doing this. jut act natural when you are around her to. start form a clean plate with her and if she wants to be left alone, leave her alone you have to work your way up to being more than friends before you can go out. hope this has helped 🙂

  2. Adriana Brodie says:

    There’s a chance she probably won’t remember you from way back when. You should first check to see if she’s married or in a relationship, then casually strike up a conversation in her inbox.

  3. Lucy says:

    Many people remember old colleagues or friends from ages ago and go on social networking sites to find them. It’s quite ok these days to find old acquaintances that way. Stalking is like camping outside her workplace and apartment and waiting for her to come home and then pouncing on her expecting her to invite u in day after day after day. And sending a million letters to her after she has repeatedly told you to stop.
    When she told you she was having difficulties with males, in the past, I think you shouldn’t have taken this persoanlly. She was talking about males in general and was probably still in a relationship or just getting out of a bad on and needed some space, generally.
    Try one last time to reconnect but if it fails it is truly time to move on and find someone else.

  4. Embedded man says:

    Well, you probably don’t want to hear this but there are tons of great, beautiful women out there and I would venture to say many that you would like even more than this one. As far as friends & family finding one for you…I have been set up on numerous blind dates and have only barely been remotely attracted to one of them so that usually doesn’t work..they just don’t know your taste. You just need to start going up to other attractive women that you find yourself……you do see other nice looking women around I assume. Trust me once you find one you’ll get over her.


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