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So A 24 Year Old Unemployed, Uninsured Father Died Last Week Of A Toothache… What Do You Think?…
“According to NBC affiliate WLWT, Kyle Willis’ wisdom tooth started hurting two weeks ago. When dentists told him it needed to be pulled, he decided to forgo the procedure, because he was unemployed and had no health insurance.
When his face started swelling and his head began to ache, Willis went to the emergency room, where he received prescriptions for antibiotics and pain medications. Willis couldn’t afford both, so he chose the pain medications.
The tooth infection spread, causing his brain to swell. He died Tuesday.”
To add, a quick google search tells me that the avg cost of getting your wisdom teeth pulled if you’re uninsured is around 1000-2000$ if you’re curious.
So what do you think of a man dying of a toothache in the richest country in the world, who’s life could’ve been saved by a relatively simple procedure.

No Responses to “So A 24 Year Old Unemployed, Uninsured Father Died Last Week Of A Toothache… What Do You Think?”

  1. Vote Skin Color Like a Dem says:

    0bama is killing white middle class

  2. Brian says:

    I think he is a moron. He should have gone to the hospital, they would have treated him.

  3. Somewhere Here says:

    i’m sure there are thousands of more stories just like that..

  4. Anon Eemus says:

    “Willis couldn’t afford both, so he chose the pain medications.”
    Stupidest decision. “Oh, yeah, I have an infection but I’m not going to take antibiotics…”

  5. One Term Wonder says:

    He should of sold his cell phone,computer or Flat Screen.
    Liberals only need to come up with 30 million stories like this to make Obama’s lies true.

  6. No More Dems or GOP says:

    I think he probably shouldn’t have had children until he got his life in order.

  7. Zachery G says:

    The man should have gotten his tooth pulled regardless if he couldn’t have afforded it. I’d rather feel like a million bucks with some bills to pay than to suffer and save money.
    And I have read the excerpt. From what you have quoted. The man refused to be treated because he couldn’t afford it. Key word there is “refused”. Doctors will treat you even if you can’t may payments up front, they work with your budget so you can make weekly or monthly payments till the bill is paid off. The man simply thought he could wait it out and it would go away on its own.

  8. AverageJ says:

    That makes two now — almost identical stories.

  9. SugarBea says:

    Agreed this is sad. But if you are told you have an infection and you choose pain killers over antibiotics you probably have not made the wisest choice. Also, the dentist can always bill you. They can’t very well hold you hostage at the front desk when the work is done and you can’t pay the whole bill.

  10. GO TO H*LL! says:

    health insurance wouldn’t have helped him with a dental procedure. dental insurance is way cheaper than health insurance.
    in any case what do i think?
    i think its sad, and the man should have followed the doctors recommendation to have the teeth pulled.
    even in the richest nation (we aren’t the richest) you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
    and BTW a tooth ache didn’t kill him something else did.
    ALSO- what do you think of all the people who die everyday who have HC insurance?

  11. Liberals Fail says:

    sounds like canada

  12. John Hinkle says:

    The saddest part about it is a tooth aches because of the infection, he would have been better off getting the antibiotics and swallow a couple of aspirin.

  13. Bill G VII says:

    He chose to not have the procedure and he chose to not take the antibiotics
    I personally don’t care at all because I don’t know the guy.
    For what it’s worth here are the free dental clinics in Cincinatti, OH, about 25 of them…

  14. Bob GThe return of says:

    What I think:
    1. He is possibly unemployed as a result of the failed left wing policies.
    2. He is an idiot for not taking care of his health. His choice to have painkillers rather than medicine that would have helped him was his mistake.
    3. He could have gone to any hospital and been cared for, or applied for medicaid.
    All things considered, he is more at fault for his death than anybody else. But the current policies perpetuating high unemployment are contributors.

  15. Smoking Joe says:

    Anybody complaining about dying in the streets like some animal to keep really rich guys rich must be some sort of Communist.

  16. Their Constitution rules them says:

    Unfortunately the man made a series of poor choices that led him to die from something he didn’t have to.
    Debt is better than dying.

  17. Nancy Pelosi 2016 says:

    Proof that we need to switch to Canadian-style health care… immediately.


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