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I Don’t Know What I Want In Life?

Hey I’m Tarik, 18 and very confused at this point in my life.
As a kid I’ve always known what I wanted to be, I was good at drawing and loved doing it. So I wanted to be a cartoonist and eventually make cartoons that appear on TV. I had this ambition until I was about 12-13.
Then Golf Came into my life, I started hitting balls on the driving range and I was actually pretty good at it. My dad would take me to the driving range and get me lessons and at that point I knew I wanted to become a pro golfer. I loved golf, I watched it on TV, practiced as much as I could but then…prices went up. Lesson were extremely expensive and we weren’t rich and in addition the golf course I went to was miles and miles away. So I had to pack it in and as of now I’ve lost interest in it (still miss it though).
Business was another thing that amazed me, I’ve never liked the idea of working under someone and I’ve always wanted to run a successful business which puts a smile on my face. In which I am, I have a few small business which make decent money for what they are but I don’t enjoy running them because they’re not related to any niche that interest me.
You see my dad sort of told me to venture into these niches because of the money they bring. But to be honest, although I know I can make a lot of money with these businesses, it still doesn’t motivate me since just don’t enjoy doing it.
Right now I’m in college (in the UK this is basically high school not uni) and I’m studying a few subject but have no idea where ill go after that. I’m always doodling in class because I love creating characters and people over my shoulder usually say the drawings look good (but I know they’re no where near as good my friends drawings). I also create stories in my head when day dreaming and I love imagining the characters, its great fun but I wouldn’t know how to make them a reality. My main objective in life as of now is to travel the world, I’ve seen some of if and it really is amazing. England is way to cramped, I want to leave as soon as I can. But I want to be in control of my life by having a successful business to fund my world trip. But you see?
There’s this and there’s that and there’s this. I DON’T know what to do with myself! and I definitely don’t want to have a midlife crisis
I simply don’t want to tell my life story because there’s tons more information and this maybe a really boring read but I simply don’t know what I want at this moment! I want to travel but that’s a long term goal. What I want to do to get there is what’s really confusing me?
I know this is long but I really think I need some guidance here.
I would be much much appreciated

No Responses to “I Don’t Know What I Want In Life?”

  1. Wolfy says:

    Hey Tarik. As long as you like drawing so much you could be either:
    Designer , Cartoonist or many other options.
    You could also try gaming designs ( coming up with game characters, stories, etc.)
    Regarding golf, you could make it a hobby or invest in it if you like it so much. People must find options to do what they in life…and what they like..
    ((( By the way I am kinda like you too xD I imagine stories in my head while day-dreaming and listening to music , and drawing a lot in classes 😀 😛 but unlike you in my country i don’t really have this option….it’s poorly paid and well…parents issues as well. Drawing for me is sort of forbidden if you get it …I can only do it as a hobby…)))
    Follow your dreams if you can ^^….

  2. Celica says:

    Probably your education major will lead you to a certain place to make your living. But, make sure to Live the way you like, not the way your society like. Make sure to have values you believe in. and act accordingly. dont stop drawing cartoons, even for yourself. Read on haw this universe was created, what for “YOU” have been choosen to be in this life, what is your role. look for the truth. Geology, Astronomy, civilisations; old and resent. look to the sky and try to realise the power required to build it. watch insects and study their way of life and their role on earth. Why humans are on top of the chain. If you do this homework, it should help you realise the answers you are after. dont accept pre packed answers. read history of all the prophets, their books. Don’t miss the last revelation from the heavens, it should be the most important and exclusive for man kind Also, the only revelation that have been preserved by the universe creator, throughout time.
    exactly, the way it was revealed.
    Know your past well, to know your future and this will help you to set a vision for your life. Only few Ph.D. holders among all i experienced in my life, really deserve it.


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