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Will Republicans Go Easy On Solyndra’s Republican Ceo During The Solyndra Hearing?

Solyndra’s biggest private investor was a venture capital fund affiliated with the Kaiser foundation, its second-largest investor was a fund linked to the Walton family of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., who are major donors to Republican campaigns. The chief executive of Solyndra, Brian Harrison, is also a Republican, according to voter registration records.

No Responses to “Will Republicans Go Easy On Solyndra’s Republican Ceo During The Solyndra Hearing?”

  1. Lear 45 Continued II says:

    I do hope they nail the bastard to a cross! But you know the sonofabitch will plead the 5th or just out and out LIE!

  2. RockIt says:

    Solyndra and the Obama energy people are going to be skewered by the Republicans.
    This is about making Obama look as bad, incompetent, and out to lunch as possible.

  3. Krista says:

    Of course they will go easy on the waltons….if they make them testify at all. This is all a show.

  4. Conservative Capitalist says:

    Hope not.

  5. realistic girl says:

    This is why

  6. smsmith5 says:

    No, because a republican president nixed any money to this company. Obama reversed that decision.

  7. Take the SOBs out says:

    Kaiser was one of th biggest campaign bundlers for 0bama.
    Therefore, Eric Holder will make sure the investigation goes nowhere.

  8. chuck_ju says:

    He will claim the 5th on any question asked. The Administration slugs will claim Executive Privilege.
    Chicago style politics at their best.
    Time for an Independent Special Prosecutor to be appointed. I do NOT trust this Administration to make any attempt to get at the truth.

  9. I'm Still Dead says:

    The BUSH administration DENIED their loan application.
    This is BUCKWHEAT’S mess.
    The only thing GREEN here was the TAXPAYERS’ DOUGH that libbies SQUANDERED.

  10. Susan says:

    Oh please, like it matters he’s republican or that a bush law from 05 set a deadline for solyndras grant, or that bush piers for sol eras initial grant application to be processed.

  11. What Will The Spill Kill? says:

    Of course they will–don’t we all take care of our own first?

  12. william c says:

    They will show outrage act like puffer fish and posture but it will be all fake , for that’s their agenda to try to make us believe they care about ” America ” but all they want is power and money for as little effort as they can put forth.

  13. Frank USMC says:

    Fox News is a disgrace to journalism, how come they aren’t covering the thousands of successful firms that wouldn’t exist without gov investment in green tech?Cherry picked BS. How brainwashed does one person have to be to watch Fox?

  14. courtesy says:

    stop confusing the cons here with facts.


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