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Why Are Niches Both Beneficial To An Animal And Dangerous At The Same Time?

The Benefit: They may reduce competition from other species.
The Danger: They may make a species less able to adapt to changing environments due to specialization in one niche. If the niche disappears, so does the species.

No Responses to “Why Are Niches Both Beneficial To An Animal And Dangerous At The Same Time?”

  1. L.N. says:

    It allows animals to become specialized and weed out competition: better food, shelter, mating. Evolution would make it highly suited to its environmental factors. The problem is that the environment could change or be destroyed, eliminating the animals advantages and possible destroying the species itself. If a moth evolves a camouflage pattern to a certain tree, it can have a better chance of survival. If the tree species is wiped out by a disease, deforesting, etc; the moth then loses its advantage and becomes vulnerable again.

  2. GARY says:

    Because they are places that most likely won’t break down, will somewhat avoid predators, are easily found,and are close to humans , which can nourish them.
    They can also be bad because some predators can get in, like the little perch on bird’s nests, which some snakes can climb. Plus, sometimes they will become too used to humans, and won’t be able to find a natural nest, or food by themselves. Some paints or materials can also harm the animals.


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