So last week, a friend of mine was caught with alcohol at one of our High School football games (stupid I know), and we’re both 18. I wasn’t drinking, and didn’t get in trouble, but my friend was found out because the Principal said “Hey, give me that bottle” (we’re not supposed to have bottles from outside while in the stadium. The stadium is non school-affiliated, either.), my friend handed it over, and things went on from there.
So… did my friend have to give him the bottle? Because we’re off school grounds, does he have any right to demand that he see it?
And also, if I were to bring in a bottle during the next game with say, urine, in it, is it:
1. Legal to have a bottle of urine in public, and
2. Legal for him to demand to see my bottle?
ya that it
yes the school event means principle is still in charge and responsible, with responsibilities come rights, they are not exclusive of one another.
So yes he also has right to demand to see it.
1. it is legal to have a bottle of urine in public.
2. it is legal for him to ask to see it, infact he can ask you any damned thing he likes.
Since your school is playing at the stadium the principle could have say, but it would be better if even at least a security guard checked the bottle. Your lucky you didn’t get in trouble. If you did you would be looking at underage drinking, consuming alcohol in public (don’t know the correct term since you probably would not be intoxicated).
It is illegal to have a bottle of urine in public, for the reasons it is unsanitary and could be considered disorderly conduct. and since the highschool team is playing at that stadium, it is the principle’s responsibility that he keeps the schools rules in order.
Despite whether or not the stadium was the property of the school, your school was hosting a function there, and therefore your school’s rules still apply. So yes, he was within his rights to demand to see it. And he’ll still be within his rights no matter what the bottle contains.