Hi, my name is Margaret and I am planning to get into this “internet marketing” thing. I am currently a newby but i am willing to learn and put an effort into it. My budget is pretty low – 500$. Would You recommend me niche or something to start with? A friend of mine recommended me to buy a web page from a auction. I looked around in a site called “Flippa” and I saw a whole network (11 pages) with a pretty low price. Thanks for the attention! Oh and i almost forgot. Here is the link to the auction https://flippa.com/2649261-network-of-11-highly-profitable-websites Could you please check it and leave me a response? Thanks again and I whish all the best for you!
Buying sites can be treacherous if you aren’t equipped to properly research it, earnings and traffic figures are routinely faked, is the traffic due to paid advertising? that will vanish when you take over, are those net revenues or did they actually lose money after paying advertising cost?
A typical price negotiation starting point for a site prices is the 1 year earnings.
You can have sites created for you by outsource for pretty cheap, or dabble in affiliate marketing at first with free sites at maybe Hubpages or Blogger.
There are lots of people starting out at Warriorforum.com, as well as some cheap tutorials for sale (WSOs)
Speaking of marketing, this question would be suspected to be a fake question just to get the flippa link mentioned.