Help me please my cousin/Brother past away 2 years ago and it still really herts what can i do; I cant vist him to the cementary because my father says that there aint nothing to go see but im pretty sure its because he was Gang Affiliated and got shot at age 15 and he wasent the one that they where trying to hit but any ways what can i do??? Im going to start visting him like in July next year because i will have my car by then but what can i do for now??
time heals wounds. im sorry but that is true.
Im so sorry!
Tell him you really want to, ask a friend, or another family member to drive you. Even a teacher would help!
Again, im sorry!!!
Well what I would do is just try to keep your mind off of him. Join some clubs, hang out with friends, do whatever it is you need to do to get him off your mind. Soon enough, it wont hurt so badly. I wish you the best of luck!
listen to some music
I’m really sorry about your cousin/brother ????
But this is the languages forum. All I see about languages in your question is that you have murdered the English one.