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How Can I Make Money Online For Free?

Hey! I have looked EVERYWHERE online trying to find how can I make money online for free. I have tried this after that after this after that, and I still have not made a single dollar. I have watched video after video that tells me all the money that I can make and then at the end of the video it says, “I am only charging $49 or $94” or something like that.
I just started college and I do not have ANY money at all. There are things that I would like and need for college like an iPad, new laptop, books, plus more, but as I already said I do not have ANY money. I have tried and looked into everything from selling, blogging, surveys, affiliates, etc.
So if you know of how to raise money on the Internet without taking all my time from my studies I would greatly appreciate it. Oh, and I realize that people are not going to give me money. Any help and knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.

No Responses to “How Can I Make Money Online For Free?”

  1. Beckie says:

    Online surveys

  2. Ryan M says:

    There are NO online jobs for college kids, none for high school kids, none for stay at home moms, and none for the unemployed. You need advanced college degrees and decades of experience in a field like IT to even dream of having a job like that.
    You need to find a real job like most college kids do and learn to manage your time between school and work.

  3. Inspecto says:

    So you have tried a lot of things, and you should by now know that anything promising easy money is a scam.
    Learn well, this will not change. There will be new twists and turns in the methodology, but nothing that is legitimate will come of it, because easy work for little or no expertise and/or skills just does not exist.
    Get a part time job, and do well at it. that will assure you of some income, small though it may be. Then get to improving your skills through education.
    Graduate, get a job, work your way up the corporate ladder. Or maybe try a startup.
    Trying to find online work is just a one way street into becoming a scam victim.

  4. Common Sense says:

    For the 514,387th time…
    The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
    There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. Nothing. Anywhere. Really. You have a better chance of being hit by lightning.

  5. Brandon says:

    Do you have $6 and a Paypal account? That is all you will need. There is a different type of online marketing that allows you to get a pre-made website for a cheap price and then all you have to do is market the website. It’s really interesting and it works. One of these types of websites is…


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