So I know those who are straight and have decided not to get married until there is equality for everyone, and if that’s not in their lifetime, so be it. Others I know simply make sure that the church they affiliate their wedding with supports homosexuals and makes their wedding as open as possible. I was wondering what other peoples views were. I’m not married or even engaged or anything like that. I was just curious.
I am 100% for Gay marriage, by the way.
I’m lesbian, but don’t really see myself getting married, even if it is legalised. However, it should be legalised so that we have the same rights and choices as heterosexual people.
Of course, I plan to marry my boyfriend one day, when we’re out of high school and done college. I could care less what people think.
He’s the man I choose to be with, the one I sleep with at night and wake up next to in the morning
Fags shouldn’t be aloud in a church,
If I find the right guy, Yes.
one of my best friends is straight and like that, and doesn’t wanna get married til my husband and i can legally either. he’s said it’d feel wrong and like i’d be getting ripped off or something. it’s so damn adorable. sigh.
i do actually hope he does get legally married when he finds a girl he wants to marry, though, ’cause even if i don’t get all the rights that go with it, i very much want him to, and would also feel like other straight people like him are getting ripped off themselves, if insisting on not getting married til gay marriage is legalized =/.
I feel as if people who say things like that just don’t want to marry each other. And it’s the perfect excuse. Oh we aren’t getting married until everyone can. What do they have to do with you? They can get married in some states I mean it’s not totally un-do able. Like I said, other people getting married has nothing to do with me. I need to worry about me first.