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What’s It Called If I Believe In A God And Heaven And Hell, But Not In Christianity Or Any “religion?”?

im not a christian. and i dont follow or consider myself affiliated to any religion.
but im not an atheist. i BELIEVE there is a god. heaven. and hell.
is there an actual word for this?

No Responses to “What’s It Called If I Believe In A God And Heaven And Hell, But Not In Christianity Or Any “religion?”?”

  1. Black Tempest says:

    its being a hypocrite

  2. Amaretta says:

    Vague optimism.

  3. JH says:


  4. « Chippy » says:


  5. mac cha says:

    theist and fond of christian mythology

  6. Truth says:


  7. Oak says:

    How about you make up your own religion like the rest of them did when they were in your position?

  8. Melkha says:

    Every person who ever lived is now in hell. Hell is the grave.
    Hell – Hebrew word – Sheol, literally pit for the dead, grave. The dead are conscious of nothing. Hell is the grave, none born miss it.
    Hell is not a place of eternal fiery torment. The church stole that concept from the Greek myths (see Hades, River Styx) to control their people in life and in death. Dante’s Inferno and Milton’s Paradise Lost served to fuel the church’s fire.
    From as many times a day as I type this, I say it has not only worked well for them in the past, but keeps working for them now and will continue to do so in the future until people begin to challenge them and search for the true definition of hell as being the grave.
    Tehillim – Psalms – Chapter 139
    8. If I ascend to the heavens, there You are, and if I make my bed in the grave, behold, You are there.
    KJV – Psalms 139:
    8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there .
    xtians changed it to promote their own agenda

  9. SmartAZ says:

    2 Timothy 3:5 – Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

  10. Muhammad says:

    Spiritual but unaffiliated with any organized belief.

  11. Satan says:

    I’m not sure, I guess it depends on what role you believe this god plays in the world. If you believe that this god created the universe but then left it alone to the laws of science, you’re a deist who believes in heaven/hell (many deists don’t). If you believe that this god plays an active role in the universe, then you’re kinda doing your own thing.

  12. cheir says:

    You are an atheist. As it says in James 2:19; ‘You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.’

  13. harperta says:

    If you are not Christian, why do you believe in the Christian version of the Afterlife? The whole idea of heaven and hell and a judging god is a totally Christian concept. Other spiritual paths do not have this concept.
    If you believe in God you are a Theist. I think you need to ask yourself what Kind of a god do you believe in? The Christian concept? The Judaic? The Islamic? Do you believe in One God or the possibility of multiple gods? The list goes on and until all these are answered, I can’t answer you as to what you ‘are’.

  14. Ali S says:

    a confused atheist

  15. Uncle Wayne says:

    The word is Deist – a believer in a God –
    if you believe in Heaven then you are a Reconstructionist – which means you believe that after you die you can be reconstructed; your reconstruction formula can be sent to Heaven.
    If you believe in Hell then you are delusional or you consider God a spiteful God.

  16. Cheesyfa says:

    Yes, it’s called Agnostic. Being a proud Agnostic myself, I understand. I believe that there is a “higher power”, but no single religion can pinpoint what it is.

  17. Nunya Bizniz says:

    Do you believe in Jesus? Honestly, I’m just curious. If so, technically you are Christian, but you are a TRUE Christian. You follow and believe in God, not the rules of man.

  18. tuisson says:


  19. grannybe says:

    Religion is man made so there’s no problem with not believing in a certain religion…But if you believe in God and Jesus…Then you need the joy and security of salvation in your life…It’s between you and God…It’s called opportunity to grow…So take what you believe in and grow with it into the person you were intended to be.

  20. cliff says:

    it just means your on your way to a good start in at least believing.
    now all you need is a wise mentor to take you in and in return he will
    make you wise.

  21. Don D says:…
    This excerpt quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very revealing:
    In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities, fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons.
    Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship…
    Satanism is not a Christian invention
    Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions
    Satanism is not about “evil”
    Satanism is not about death
    True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity to reach equality with the Gods, which was our True Creator (Satan’s) intention
    From “Peace Be Unto Him”
    Due to centuries of misinformation, lies, and the systematic removal of knowledge, few people these days understand or even know what “Satanism” really is all about.
    Christianity has been at liberty to dictate without any opposition, what they CLAIM Satanism to be. In order to accomplish this, the truth had to be destroyed. The Catholic Church (the original Christian Church, from which all Christian sects have evolved), heinously tortured to death and mass-murdered millions of innocent men, women and children in what was known as “The Inquisition.” Some children who were burnt to death in what were known as “witch houses” were as young as two years of age.
    Christians forever rant and rave concerning the “one world order” where all identities, cultures, personal privacies, and liberties will be lost and humanity, after being systematically bar-coded, will be lumped into a one-world slave state. What they fail to see is how their own so-called “religion” and bible have always been and are the roots of and blueprint for this regime. Everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible has been stolen and corrupted from religions predating Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from hundreds to thousands of years. Through Judaism and its tool of Christianity, all of the original spiritual teachings from around the world, (which are CONCEPTS) have been stolen from, lumped together into the “one,” and corrupted into Jewish archetypes and characters and fictitious places. This has given the Jewish people as a whole a false history, political power and “spiritual” authority to which they are not entitled.
    The bible is a very powerful subliminal tool to control the masses. One can see this is a man-made work as there are endless contradictions. The bible has been systematically drummed into the minds of the populace from a very early age. A lie must always be enforced as opposed to the truth which can stand on its own. Because spiritual knowledge and occult power have been removed and kept in the hands of a “chosen” few, the unknowing populace has been helpless against it. The agenda here is to create a one-world slave state with the “chosen” few ruling at the top. The perpetrators of course blame Satan to create a necessary distraction, while they use occult power to accomplish their ends. They have a history of stealing from and blaming their enemies for everything they really are and do, while always holding themselves in the highest esteem and innocence.
    The original religions now known as “Satanism” (by the way, “Satan” means “enemy” in Hebrew), were all based upon what is known as the “Magnum Opus” or Great Work. The one known as “Satan” is our True Creator God. He was prevented by the other Gods from finishing his work on humanity, that of the godhead. The godhead is physical and spiritual perfection. Now, if you continue to read on, I will prove this.
    The serpent is seen everywhere in ancient relics and structures. The serpent was held sacred in all areas of the ancient world. Satan is the God Ea, aka ENKI, one of the first of the Nephilim to arrive on this planet and establish the first civilization. In Sumerian mythology, Enki’s symbol was always the serpent.
    The serpent represents the DNA, the life force and the kundalini and has survived as the emblem of the American Medical Association and Veterinary medicine, where it is symbolic of life and healing. Only with the coming of Judeo/Christianity, has this sacred symbol been desecrated and blasphemed.
    Nearly all of us are familiar with the term “fallen.” This word has been used copiously by Christian clergy to refer to Satan and his Demons. In truth, “fallen” pertains to the kundalini serpent (which has always been associated with our Creator God Satan), which has fallen in humanity as a whole and now lies dormant at the base of the spine. Because of this, humanity as a whole is on a very low level of spiritual understanding. Thoughtless abuses of children and animals, senseless wars, brutality and endless corruption are the results of the fallen serpent…..


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