Back in April I joined a campus organization which was affiliated with Christianity and met some amazing people who taught me about the Lord and Jesus Christ who I was skeptical in the past before because I thought Christians were just a bunch of wack jobs. Time went on and my understanding of the lord grew. I was thanking him for all of the amazing people I have met, but I was still in this funk that I have been dwelling in for the past 20 years. I see all this amazing things happen to other people while I’m still left out wondering when something good will happen to me. Sure new friends come along, but everyone finds love, everyone finds happiness, while I’m still in this depression where I’m dealing with anger and hate and how I’m viewed as the weird kid who sits alone and listens to heavy metal, which is considered just nonsense and mindless notice to most people I have met. I don’t know if God is just picking the moment when something good will happen, but he has a funny sense of putting bad stuff in my way. I had to buy a new laptop to replace the old one cause the screen went out for no reason, I had to pay for a wreck which I did not cause, just the same old tired-some crap that happens every now and then, but I am so sick and fed up with it. Maybe it’s impatience, maybe it’s just that I don’t understand the Lord better, but I can’t take all of the bad stuff that happens in this world to me, and to others who are viewed differently based on appearances and tastes, there’s no need for such mindless , nonsensical mongering of social status in this world.
This reminds me of Lou Reed, for some reason…
Dear dustin,
Sorry to inform u of this, buuut…. There is no god
I believe you were better without Christianity. Now watch some porn and be happy.
God is not real retahhd
I am currently in depression myself. Sometimes I have bouts of pure misery, praying that Jesus would take me away right now.
As a Christian, you will have hard times. It is not all rainbows and sunshine like we might think. Just keep praying and believing, God is preparing you for something great. You will find blessings in your toil.
And if you really don’t believe that, you can always turn away. But I pray you stick with the Lord
We’re all going through many things, but it sounds as though you were never born again, so that should be the next thing to accomplish in life. Read Prison to Praise by Merlin Carothers. This book has helped millions of people. It’s a best seller, and he has written about 10 books since then which are all good. Check with…
I’m reading “How to be happy” and “God’s Secret Weapon” by same author. All his books are special and easy reading. God bless you.
Sounds to me like you have never repented of your sin and believed the Gospel.
You want a God who works for you, but you have not believed God, who has testified that his Son died for you.
You say God has forsaken you; but He says to those who are His “I will never leave you; I will never forsake you” So you condemn yourself with your own words and show that you have no faith.
You are still looking at your circumstances, and not the word of God.
When you start saying and believing what the word of God says; you will begin to see it is so.
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. ”
Hebrews 11:6
listen to this man……..…
You want to be closer to Jesus Christ our God, do these things.
Do this in private: Make some time and sing worship songs to him with all your spirit. And praise Him tell him how much you love him. And also fast(atless for a day or two). And repent and pray and read the Bible. Just focus on be patient and believing. He wont forsake you.
lemmie tell ya- ive been through tough testimony in my life. VERY TUFF. Abused from alcoholics, child of divorce, mentally depressed.
I once was in your shoes of when it will all end.
Trust me- and trust OUR GOD.
The thing is that nothing is ever on our time. It will always be on Gods time no matter what. Look up what happened to Job. He lost his business, his 7 children, got leprocy…and the one thing he did, was praise God. ” the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.”- Job.
After satans plot to humiliate God, Job praised God and God humiliated Satan back. Job was blessed 2 times more than usual.
Have you ever written letters to God? I know this sounds a bit silly- but it is far more amazing than anything that I have ever witnessed in my life. I do. I was delivered out of the my moms house. He gave me the most perfect man in the world, and he gave me financial security.
I see you being much like Job. Satan is trying to ask God for permission to destroy you. God knows you are a worthy and strong human.
I love metal music- that was my favorite..
Used to play the bass………..
Also, materialistic things like computers and cars come and go. I know it sucks to pay for them. but always know that on Gods time- if you pray for him to guide you…he will bless you.
trust me- i am so blessed that the Lord has my heart attached to the side of his chair in heavan.
Good luck!
God does not promise pure happiness until we reach heaven. The idea that Christians should always live wonderful lives is a myth. If you follow the precepts laid out by God, you do increase your likelihood of living a good life, but there are still no guarantees. Being a Christian involves work and dedication. God calls us all to serve one another and to strive to spread the gospel of Christ to all people. It is not always easy, but he does promise us that if we trust in him that he will always give us strength to overcome all the obstacles that stand in our way.
So then, don’t wait for your life to magically transform into something wonderful. Get to work, find out who the person is that God is calling you to be. Find out what he wants you to do. If living your life according to the plan of God does not bring you happiness, probably nothing ever will.