American Atheist Leader Calls for the ‘Eradication’ of ‘Christians’?
Al Stefanelli (Could be a Westboro alumni) is the Georgia State Director for American Atheists, Inc., and has he called for “murdering” of people for what they believe?
Is this not a “Hate Speech”? Are atheists showing their true hate and racism? Comments from FOX affiliates and The Blaze. Over The Atheist Fundie Leaders Comments
Did they OD on stupid pills… Eradicate Christians? Meet the christians!…
Good luck with that.
Update: The American Atheist Inc. Leader has “Stepped down” as President of AA Inc.(Not to be confused with Alcoholics Anonymous Inc.) Probably had nothing to do with the FBI investigation of death threats. The Fundie Prez said “He did not intend to eradicate any living people” What? IDK maybe they were going to knock over a few Christian headstones and call it halloween
Or Dig a few up and mix up the bones.
As an agnostic IDK and can’t call the man a liar or the village atheist fundie. But “American Atheist Inc.” does anagram to “Anarchic anti-semite” Probably just a coincidence like “An Atheist” anagrams to “I the Satan” … Or God to Dog (Man’s best friend)
How about a lil of both, lol.
My mind is where it’s always been.
What is an atheist fundie?
I’d like to point out that this mans views are in fact anti theism, and by using the title of atheist he disgraces it. i am not an atheist, but i respect that not all members of the group are responsible for the actions of any other member. the fact is, there are idiots everywhere, and every now and then one slips through the cracks and gets a hold of a megaphone.
Michael Shermer should pose for Playgirl.
You ask some really dumb/strange/crazy as **** questions. Are you a troll or just genuinely that bizarre?
Someone reported my answer so your “gay” question:(
Yes. The actions of one atheist reflect the feeling of all atheists against christians who are ALL Westboro Baptist members…ALL Christians worship Fred Phelps and Phelps is the Christian Leader.
Of course when an Atheist speaks of “eradication” it could mean many things…but when a christian speaks of eradicating atheists or muslims we all damn well know they mean murder because they christians have gone on eradication crusades and wars for 2000 years.
If you sow hate speech the way christians sow hate speech…of course they are going to reap what they sow sooner or later.
He dares suggest to kill people based on beliefs! What a complete nutjob he i— Oh! Oh wait, I just remembered what the Crusades were. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. He was being an idiot, but then again, Christianity has been the definition of idiocy so many times throughout history that I couldn’t care less what some stupid anti-theist does.
Nope everyone on here now believes you a christian fundamentalist full of hatred and fear of atatheistsiding behind a false flag!
You claim you are agnostic but continue your use of radical Theist classic propaganda. Now you are making Anagrams? Really how low you need to go… like i say before maybe a troll or a Theist who cowardly hide in the agnostic comfort zone…. that way you avoid attacks against your imaginary favorite deity… you can say whatever you want, is a free country a secular country not a theocracy, look for definition for Anti Theist.
Like I already explain before, we just don’t believe in invisible friends…if they got a religion or followers behind them is no difference… we got no fundamental lies for control unbelievers…no dogmas, no temples, is easy… a baby can do it…