An Arian child is good as leader ! do not disturb him!
An taurian bull is good in share market! please put him their!
An Gemini boy is always loved for ! give him romantic gifts!
An cancerian is a great home maker! allow him the priviledge!
An leo boy is full of heart! fill him with optimism!
An virgo is extremely sensitive! handle him softly!
An libran is always moved to justice! put him where justice is needed!
An scorpion is good in secret! grant him a mission!
An sagitarian archer is full of optimism! play with him games!
An capricorn goat is money fed! give him cashier job!
An aquarian is full of knowledge! gift him good science books!
An pisces is full of love! allow him/her to mend house!
Here a ideal Arian or taurus is taken into account!
do not come into prediction blindly!
if three or more planets are placed in a single sign ,this may fit them!
It fits the male and female gender alike!
The zodiac man! (my body itself is a complete zodiac)
Good one
Next time try to write a Sonnet on Zodiac signs …… :)..good luck
OMFG! That was genius fellow Sagittarius! Haha ! And wow, the complete body zodiac? How artistic! That’s seriously epic.
-Sincerely, Sagittarius lady.
Well its certainly different, I like it
That isn’t a poem.
sorry. doon’t believe in it.
it’s cute but make sure to fix the grammar.. for example there is a difference between “an aries” and “a taurus”. think of what sounds better when you speak it. i wish i could explain this better but i am not the english teacher in my family
another thing: switch “taurian” to “taurus” and “scorpion” to “scorpio”.
it is a poem.
mirror mirror: actually this can be a poem. there are many kinds such as: quatrain, repetition, sonnet, haiku, freestyle. etc… i forgot that specific name but it’s the kind where you start with the same words in each line… i wrote a poem in high school as a class assignment : “i am a girl who” in each line and something like this came out:
“i am a girl who likes black
i am a girl who wears baggy pants
i am a girl who watches vampire movies
i am a girl who likes blood”
something weird but really cool at the same time