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Cops Would Never Affiliate W\ Gangs Nor Be Part Of Them, Right?

Except for this one time; it was an accident, really, it was, honest:…

No Responses to “Cops Would Never Affiliate W\ Gangs Nor Be Part Of Them, Right?”

  1. ? says:

    The only accident here was them getting caught!

  2. Patrick4 says:

    Police officers are human beings. So, bad apples will be there sometimes.

  3. slew says:

    Surprise CHicago police is connected to organize crime.
    There was a FBI agent connected tothe Irish Mob, the winter hill gang, which the leader was caught.
    Los Angeles has been having problems with Armenian gangs infiltrating their ranks.
    This is not new news.
    Freaking Why are you surprise. Until recently Chicago mayor is mob connected. Of course now Chicago’s mayor served a foreign army even though hes’ American. And don’t get me started about their former govenor. Chicago is nuts.

  4. Les S says:

    Let me see, 400,000 or more cops in the US. The population of a decent sized city.
    Yet there are a lot fewer cop bad guys than in a regular population that size.
    Always gonna be bad guys you can’t screen for. Most of the major bad cops came from the 90’s when the Feds told the cities no money unless you lower your standards.
    Lower standards back then make for more bad cops later.

  5. Johnathan L says:

    Well in a perfect world NO! But this isn’t a perfect world as we all know so yes they do.
    Unfortunately just like everyone else, they are human and they make mistakes too.

  6. David MAADAWG. says:

    LOL Puss boy blue. You can block all the ids i get, but remember kid, i can always get more to answer your dumbass questions,statements and what ever your frail mind can come up with. Now to your stupid question. In your stupid mind i guess they can be gang members, in your mind. But in reality, they are not. Now sissy boy with the sissy id. Prussian Blue, move along and be happy. cream puff type of guy.


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