Okay, I’m a 12 year old (almost 13), and I’m pretty sure that I have strict and overprotective parents. I am aware that some people’s problems are a lot worse, but I still want help. I also want some help with the fact that I think my parents don’t care about my achievements unless they are academic anymore. Here are some examples of my parents being strict/overprotective/ignorant:
-On my first day at middle school, my dad got out of the car with me and personally walked me to the entrance, while other kids were with their friends and got off the bus without an adult guiding them
-In 6th grade, we had this luau party because we were graduating from elementary school, and my parents didn’t let me go because it was from 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. I was one of four kids who didn’t go, one being a smart alek that no one really liked, another was a guy with anger management issues, and the other person never attended events like this. <— I HATED THIS.
-I got 2nd place in a spelling bee (it was for the whole 5th grade) 2 years ago, but my parents were a little disappointed and didn't care
-If I stay in the bathroom for at least 30 minutes, my mom freaks out
-My dad is always telling me about how he was working in the market, selling fish and working hard and how I'm lazy (and I help around the house often, even watching my little brothers for hours while he and my mom are at work)…
-Even if my brothers and I have finished all of our homework AND are ready for bed, we can't watch TV or do anything fun.
-My mom is constantly checking my Facebook, text messages and email account for any "suspicious" activity (i.e. boyfriends, swearing, secrets, etc.). I feel like I have NO privacy at all!
-I got one B on my report card – ONLY one – and my dad starts talking about how my brothers and I will go to bed early and takes away some of our electronics.
-My parents will bug me about not having a boyfriend until I'm an adult (20+). Argh!!
-I got in town-wide chorus in 5th grade, and town-wide band in 6th grade (in case you don't know, the town-wide concert in my town is prestigious and only chooses the best singers/musicians), and my parents were happy, but didn't really give a crap about the concert…
-My dad will yell at me if I put emphasis on words in my sentences when talking to him (i.e. "I'm GOING to the bathroom now, PLEASE don't remind me to brush my teeth again…"). He thinks I'm giving him an attitude when I really don't mean it…
-Every time I need to tell them something while we're "arguing," I always have to say, "Can I PLEASE say something?" Otherwise, they'll say, "Listen to ME," and say what they want to say – it's gotten to the point where I'm afraid to tell them how I feel about something…and they expect me to always listen to them when they don't listen to me!
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Point is, I don't get much freedom. I may be only 12, but I feel that I should have more freedom and privileges. Here's the question – Do you think that I should be allowed to be a little more…free? I'm a pretty mature person for my age. I get mostly straight A's, I help my family and friends whenever I get the chance, I'm only friends with nice, fun kids who don't swear on a regular basis (especially this one girl who always has this positive attitude and is really fun), and…yeah.
If you think I should have more freedom, can you please tell me what I should do? Thanks, and I also want to say that I will delete rude posts. Bye!
Your just like me

Im twelve now, but turning thirteen in like a month.My parents (My mom, I live with her.) are verry overprotective too. I get good grades also, but mostly all A’s and one B.
I never stood up to her. She’s kind of loosening the chain with me a little.
For you I would suggest saying this. “Mom, Dad, I’ve been feeling like you don’t give me just a little liberty. I know this might sound like I am complaining, I might say it is a little too, but you need to loosen the leash on me. Even if its just a little. I have good grades almost all of the time. I don’t hang out with people that have a bad influence. I really try and do mean well.”
Say this in a low voice.A voice were you sound like a slave, well I’ll just say to speak in a voice were it doesn’t sound annoying, complaining, or whiny in any way your parents think you might be taking advantage of them.
Hope I helped
Wooow no offence but yea i feel bad 4 u =(don’t worry I’m 12 2) um 4 more freedom idk alright so talk 2 one of friends nd c if they want 2 have a sleepova or somthin nd try 2 c if u could go 2 there house nd hangout wit your friends but don’t always go 2 their house have them go 2 urs (if u can) hope thiz helps=D
i feel super bad for you i think you should ask if you can have a family meeting and just tell them how you feel trust me they will listen to you!
Well think about it (im 13) if you had you own child and still think about them as your little baby, wouldn’t you want them safe? And your parents don’t want you to date till your 20 because teen pregnancy And I know what you mean you want more freedom but your still a baby, I even think as myself as a baby. My dad gives me ALL the freedom in the world. But I wish I had strict parents. They are more protective. Trust me. And I fully agree with your parents! But if you want more freedom ask when your 13 just say im 13 now and I think I deserve a little more freedom now tell them every so often, remember they heard you once and they won’t forget.
ok im also 12 and yes i do think that thats a bit too far. Im allowed to date and have been dating since i was in 4th grade. I dont think its right for your mom to check facebook and email and all that. My mom might just be easy going but to me thats over reacting. I dont have to be home untill 11 o’clock, but i always have to have my cell phone with me and she can call whenever she wants. so sorry about your situation im glad i have freedom and im sorry you dont have much but just confront them on it and say “somtimes i dont feel like i have enough freedom” and just kinda make them feel bad and mabey they will loosen up
Its not overprotecting its sick and disgusting control. Got a B? for a grade? Thats nothing.
People/parents tear you down to build themselves up- Think about this for awhile. Words are not said to help you at all. Its only a trick to make abusers/parents feel good. When people are sick they say mean things to feel better. This goes for people at school as well.
Abusers use put downs, ignoring or hitting. You are tricked and thats why you feel bad. Abusers lie and have lies mixed with past truths other times. They have problems so its not your fault. Hurting people hurt others and were abused themselves. You are being abused.
Divorce, father gone, abuse, ignoring can make children grow up with non existent so called “Mental Problems” or turn them into abusers. Abusive mean people often call you crazy or names of mental disorders to abuse you. The “Chemical Imbalance” claim is false. It has been thoroughly discredited by researchers. They “vote” to make it a disease..” Its total fraud” — Dr. Fred Baughman Neurologist.
It’s okay to live away from abusers verbal or physical and cut them off. Dont speak to them. They will never change unless forced.
Remember- Read 20 sites daily on Emotional Abuse- also Tell your teacher.
God wants you to Forgive- which does not require talking to them- Call Child Protective Services transitional housing to age 21.
State directory- http://www.findcounseling.com/journal/ch…
Experience seeing this work.. I have questions for you/talk for more help also.