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Why Do Cons Point Out The “corruption” Of Immelt And Soros?

I see it every now and then on here…
they’re wealthy people that make money by some pretty immoral actions, if you ask me…
but here’s the catch, they are far from the only ones doing these things, and most of these things are TECHNICALLY LEGAL… and according to the ideas most conservatives seem to have… we shouldn’t stop them from what they are doing, for rich people overall?
now granted, some are affiliated with Obama, who even cons admit is working to regulate the rich and tax them more…
at the end of the day, it just feels like cons are for EVERYONE just like Immelt and Soros… including those two (I don’t see them trying to pass regulations or tax changes?)…
and Obama is against (or at least MORE against, at least pretending) all of these types, even though these TWO support him?
the only real explanation is if you think these two are the ONLY two that are doing these things, and I can’t really imagine you being that naive?

No Responses to “Why Do Cons Point Out The “corruption” Of Immelt And Soros?”

  1. Daniel says:

    Because they don’t want you thinking about the Koch brothers and others on their side. It is just a tactic to draw attention a way from their big money supporters. Both parties are bought.

  2. Jim R says:

    You answered your own question. Obama SEEMS like he’s against them and He tells you the Cons are for them, but He is the one that collects Money from them?
    And you call us Naive!

  3. Zaza says:

    “and Obama is against (or at least MORE against, at least pretending) all of these types, even though these TWO support him?”
    You need a dose or two of reality.

  4. Bill No says:

    Because they are high-profile evil rich people that support our evil Islamo-Socialist human wrecking ball of a President!
    That’s why.
    And this subject exposes the hypocracy of Obama.
    Last year Obama pushed for tax exemptions ON PRIVATE CORPERATE JETS.
    Now, he demonizes those that own them!
    WTF? is that?
    Mental illness???
    How about that Pipeline from Canada?
    20,000 jobs and oil from a friendly country being processed by American workers for 30 years??? And Obama is doing everything possible to nix the deal!

  5. Obama hood - Spread the Wealth says:

    Soros is far worse the the Koch brothers and he is far richer and is pushing his liberal agenda on the USA.

  6. RoseMari says:

    They went onto something else, the birth certificate thing is getting stale

  7. Bekindto says:

    Immelt is a shameless crony capitalist even being made a part of the Obama administration. Soros wants to manipulate the world. He has destroyed the economy of several entire nations and was convicted of insider trading in France. He is now buying up farm land in the US. He has openly stated he is in favor of global governance and is actively working toward that goal through his philanthropic organizations. He is indeed spooky dude.
    The Koch brothers are normal business men who are no different than other business men. They pursue their own profit centered goals. They are no different than any other fossil based oil company. The Tea Party isn’t trying to take over the world. They are interested in the rights and future of the United States. I find it easy to support those goals.

  8. Cat says:

    I am not even concerned with Iran building a nuke or a dirty bomb. In comparison of how many Nukes we have? I think the USA is more scarier than Iran. Plus Iran does not have the capital to maintain and continue it’s nuclear armament program. Just to find the Enriched isotope in an abundant amount is a pain in the neck. Your response is an uncommon sense response , that’s baptized in irrational unintellectual fear.


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