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Can You Help Me Decide My Future In Faith And Politics? Senator/governor – Pastor/televangelist?

Hello Yahoo. I am a 16 year old sophomore in high school. I live in the state of Florida, and have been pondering, quite literally, my future. I have very deep interests in two fields: faith and politics. I am a baptized Roman Catholic and attend Catholic high school, however am willing to change my denomination if that is God wants me to do.
Essentially I am torn as to how could go about my future. I love the state of Texas, and believe I want to live there one day. And being interested in politics, becoming it’s future governor is also a possible aspiration. Before this, obviously, I would need to spend time in the Texas State Legislature – which I must be 26 years old and have been a Texas resident for 5 years. Some of my inspirations are: Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Joel Osteen, John Hagee, Rick Santorum, Roy Moore, and Glenn Beck. In a way, I want to draw certain attributes from each that could help me politically rise with ease in the future, as well as grow in my faith. The two colleges I’m looking at are University of St Thomas in Houston, TX, and Hillsdale College in Michigan.
Hillsdale offers a GREAT Masters and PhD graduate program I would be interested in after finishing UST’s bachelor joint degree in history, philosophy, theology, and political science. Let’s say this: I’m 18 years old and finish high school. I move to Texas, and spend the next 4 years getting my joint degree at UST. During this time I am getting politically active, and affiliating myself with bunches of conservative organizations. Additionally, I participate in the School of Biblican Evangelism and Ambassador’s Academy under Living Water’s Ministry with Ray Comfort. Not for a degree, but rather for knowledge. So I spend 4 years in Texas – I’m now 22 years old. I move to Michigan, and pursue my Masters in politics at Hillsdale. I finish that in 2 years – making me 24. I then spend the next 5 years getting my PhD- all the while being politically active in Michigan. Is it possible, if I were a Texas resident all those years, to return to Texas, and re-inject myself into Texas, and then run for the state legislature.
Since it’s only part-time, I could also be a college professor somewhere. And if I did become a state senator, eventually governor? And beyond that, perhaps as a US senator? Or maybe one day president? I want to be realistic, but am curious as to how far I could go. And what would get me there quickest. **Kinda looking for the fast track to success in faith and politics. I want to make a difference. I don’t want to sound greedy, but also if I were a preacher by then, could I also become like Joel Osteen and start a wealthy parish?
Or what would it take to join one of their ministries: Graham, Osteen, Robertson, etc — If I can get all their backing, and maybe partner with Glenn Beck as well, plus join the national rifle association, pro-life groups, etc etc, Just please help me put this into context? Thanks and God bless

No Responses to “Can You Help Me Decide My Future In Faith And Politics? Senator/governor – Pastor/televangelist?”

  1. Eyes of Earth says:

    Whats it like to be free

  2. Moosey Flathead says:

    You ultimately have to decide if you want fame with power or humility with service.
    Most people are a lot more thankful for the humility with service type of folks who just like to help others.
    Before you decide, read about the life of CT Studd. The book Heroes Among Us has the best account of his life that i have read.
    May God direct your choice.


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