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How Could I Generate Traffic To My Blog?

I have a WordPress blog about make money online niche topic. I am new on net. I would like to get traffic as my traffic is too low. How could I? If anyone is familiar with this problem let me know what you have done to bring traffic to your site.

No Responses to “How Could I Generate Traffic To My Blog?”

  1. Robert says:

    This is the question we all ask. Well you could pay for traffic but that does not come with guarantees that your visitors will become buyers. If you’re prepared to put in a bit of time and effort, there are free methods of advertising. This is what I suggest you do.
    Grab a cup or glass of your favourite drink, find a place to relax where you won’t be disturbed and
    watch this set of video tutorials on free ways to advertise. They will guide you step by step on the way to do each method. They are also FREE to you. Nothing to pay.
    Best wishes and good luck.

  2. John says:

    There are two different ways to get traffic to a site. There are free ways to get traffic and there are companies that charge a fee. I would start small and then as I make money I would take 25 percent of that money and spend it in advertising. I suggest that you start with the free advertising and only spend between $40 to $100 a month, if you are going to spend anything, at the beginning. You can receive free training on how to increase your traffic at The site will teach you how you can receive traffic for free and how you can even make money from the advertising companies while you promote your site. At you can also received step by step instructions that will help you get traffic as well as opportunities to make additional money for yourself. Both sites are free, so I highly suggest you check them both out.

  3. Lasiru Gamage says:

    Every one know facebook is the best social networking site on internet.There are more than 800 million active members on facebook.50% of them logging every day.900 million objects are sharing within a day on facebook.So this is the best place to promote your blog.
    MOre than 30 blogging groups to promote your blog

    ann says:

    I found a website, http://thepaidtoclickmoneybooster.net63.… where you have to purchase a download and get a dozen of ebooks that will instruct you how to make more money online. The ebooks are easy to understand and they will definitely help you through.
    Just so you know, I downloaded from the site and have received all my ebooks. Every penny well spent. Now my blog is generating traffic like it never had before.

  4. Krzysiek Roznowski says:

    Some ideas:
    – keyword optimization
    – commenting on blogs in your niche
    – FB fan-page
    – Google + page
    – register
    – build mailing list
    This niche is very crowded and difficult to bring the traffic. Maybe think about narrowing your niche?


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