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Does Anyone Realize The World Around Us?

The New World Order is already slowly in effect, There are so many subtle changes in our society that the general public don’t see. The stock market is purposly going to be crashed, and never recovered. I have heard of the occult, illuminati, and free masons and never beleived it. But slowly, It came to my attention that all of these secret organizations are real. I know you’re probably like,” what is this guy talking about? Or here is another conspiracist.” But seriously, a really bad disaster is going to happen. I’m just trying to reace as many people as possible. And no, this is not a scam. Seriously, what are your thoughts on these organizations and what is to come?

No Responses to “Does Anyone Realize The World Around Us?”

  1. Hugo says:

    Since the turn of the century and the end of kings, governments rally for supremesy and resources ie food minerals are key, but secret societies ensure their best interests now and of whats to come, so they build Bomb shelters under airports control food and wealth and dissolution the masses with media and puppet governments. The Georgia stones say what they think to be true, the world will overpopulate and destroy itself and they will survive it.
    The Bible in Revelation lumps secret societies and government in Johns vision as part of the Wild Beast, then the beast turns on religion or the Great Harlot. They dont like religion they like business, but turning on religion ends all the money making HOLIDAYS! So that really colapses the economy and money gets so devalued they throw it on the streets
    You could yell whats really going on from the roof tops! you could get celebrities on board, like Bono from U2 trying to help Africa but no one wants to hear the truth about the end or what Gods purpose for the earth is.
    So know one wants to believe but bury their head in the sand and hope everything Awesome!
    Mark 13:35,36 Therefore keep on the watch, for YOU do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day or at midnight or at cockcrowing or early in the morning;  in order that when he arrives suddenly, he does not find YOU sleeping

  2. Gpaw says:

    Something bad is very likely, however let me say this. Ever since the end of world war 2 until now has been the happiest period in human history. Prior to that contrary to what many people say prosperity was actually limited to one or less than one percent of the population. Except for perhaps under the British empire just prior to the war. This type of peace stability and prosperity is fleeting and extremely rare. The only way this prosperity can be kept is if the west fights to keep it.

  3. wohoozit says:

    Jesus Will Return before His People are Made to subdue themselves to the evil one IMO.I live everyday like it’s my last,so? Just go with it.I agree with the first answerer.
    I don’t like capitalism but unless we ALL stand together (not going to happen) what can we do?

  4. Janis S says:

    The world is a terrible place but if you remain kind and don’t feed into it all you will be alright in the end.

  5. ? says:

    Serve God and be prepared to go into the Heavens with the Trinity.

  6. Fireball says:

    it is disturbing. Everyone should get saved and prepare for rapture..

  7. Iamhere says:

    Yes, I agree the NWO is coming. I take comfort in the truth that they don’t rule the world – God does.

  8. Ridas J says:

    Well we are ******, but they are not going to kill us, search up Project Enoch

  9. ? says:

    well.i just go with the flow. Whateber God wants me to do.

  10. Sunshine says:

    ‘Tis a crazy world we live in.


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