What are the crime & missing persons statistics? Is It really dangerous? By the way Ill be 16 when I go. There will be less than 10 students going. I’m not sure how many adults will be going. The two I know for sure are affiliated with the military. One is still currently active. There will also be a tour guide with us 24/7 and we won’t be allowed to go anywhere alone. Thanks! Easy 10 points.
If your with a guide you’ll be fine! London isn’t a place that if you step outside for one minute alone, you’ll be stabbed. You need to get that out of your head before you go to London, or you’ll upset the locals.
But seriously.. London has crime, but not a lot. You’ll be in the tourist areas, not the high-crime council housing. Your fine.
That makes it look quite bad, but that’s in the bad areas. :3
You will be fine.
Ive lived in London my entire life and not been murdered yet.
Just dont be stupid and go off alone at night, stay in groups of 3 or more.
London, (as is most of England) is much safer than pretty much ever major city in America. It seems you have survived 16 years there, so you should be fine.
You’ve seen ‘Taken’ right? Unless your dad is Liam Neeson I’d avoid Europe!
Only joking, London and Paris are big cities, so crime does happen. But if you are vigilant and take sensible precautions (not walking down dark alleys at night by yourself flashing your iPhone) you should be very safe.
They are both beautiful cities, I live in London and have visited Paris several times, you will certainly enjoy your time over here.
London and Paris are big cities. Like US cities, they have rough areas. However, they aren’t as dangerous as big US cities. Unless you wish to tour rough housing projects, you won’t go anywhere near them.