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Why Are Republicans More Prone To Do Have Been In Prison?

After a survey of middle aged white American was conducted, it was found out that on average 53% of the men who affiliated themselves with the right wing(including right leaning independents) have been jail at least one time in their life as compared to the 24% of men who affiliated themselves with the left.

No Responses to “Why Are Republicans More Prone To Do Have Been In Prison?”

  1. Pixie says:

    great link

  2. crash.ov says:

    Because Democrats sympathize with criminals. Just look at who Obama appointed as Sec of Treasury…a known tax cheat!

  3. Cricket says:


  4. Obama says:

    Yeah and those are facts right…you can clearly see the truth in your numbers when you compare Tea Party arrests to Occupy Wall Street arrests! Damn Republicans are nuts!

  5. Liberals says:

    73.4% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

  6. Aubrey says:

    Why do liberals not know how to proof read?
    Read this carefully.
    “Why are Republicans more prone to do have been in prison”

  7. The Tall Man says:

    I’m going out on a limb here and guessing these are not republicans:

  8. mercy severity says:

    i call bullshit

  9. smsmith5 says:

    I have been a republican since 1972, neither I nor anyone I know have ever been in jail. Let me guess, this “survey” was conducted among liberals.

  10. How would I Know says:

    That’s kind of interesting really, given that at any time in the last 60 years virtually the entire prison population in the US has been comprised of liberals. Also interesting how that works when crime statistics show that the vast majority of crime in the US takes place in areas with heavy liberal voting trends…

  11. jusme says:

    would that be in the country or the inner city?

  12. PoeFace says:

    I couldn’t find it on google, so you are most likely making stuff up.

  13. Joe BTGSPLK says:

    As several have said before on here. Progressives don’t need any help in making themselves look stupid.

  14. robert says:

    must have been a survey on wallstreet and not chicago

  15. Sci says:

    I am astounded that you would even fathom such a deduction. Your figures are exactly the opposite of the truth. I am a Republican with a large educated family and not one of my family has ever been in jail or prison. The prison population is predominately black – 2 out of 3 black men right now are either in prison or are on probation. They vote mostly democratic.
    I have researched the internet thoroughly and I can’t find statistics for white prisoners – neither can I find a poll to substantiate your statements.
    You are simply wrong.


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