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Is It Racist In 2012?

I wouldn’t call myself racist. I believe in stereotypes like Jews are good with money & chinese people are smart etc. & I believe Racist is when you Hate other people because of their race. & I don’t believe stereotypes apply to every single person of this or that race, & I don’t hate ppl because of it I just think certain things are generally true.
Anyway, I think my real problem is with political correctness, & peoples problem with the TRUTH & blatantly obvious FACTS.
ex1: 50% of people with HIV/AIDS are Black, yet they only account for 10%-13% of The total population.
>>> 30% of people with HIV/AIDS are white yet they account for 75%-80% of The total population.
ex2: Not all Muslims are terrorists. But nearly all Terrorists are Muslims, or Muslim affiliated.
People say religious extremist of all kinds are terrorist. But seriously how many Fundamentalist Buddhists do you see Blowing things up?
ex3: People in Korea eat dogs, Chinese Honey is banned in the USA because of high levels of lead. Lead & other toxins are found in Chinese baby formula. Yet if your afraid to eat in a chinese restaurant because you think chinese people are filthy or afraid your chicken is actually pigeon or has toxins, You are ignorant or Racist.
Why is it taboo to believe & better yet openly state obvious facts?

No Responses to “Is It Racist In 2012?”

  1. Zip says:

    I think you are on to something David…

  2. Lee says:

    If you have evidence from credible sources to back up your facts, then you shouldn’t have a problem. If you don’t provide evidence then expect people to challenge your truths. For example off the top without any proof I would challenge you to prove fact #1 Now I know blacks account for 44% of new cases of HIV but that is different than 50% of all cases of HIV.

  3. HyperOne says:

    Well Me Personally I Don’t Think That Racist. I was Talking To a group of friends (Different Races) and I said something about most kidnappers were white and black people do different crimes. and they all called me a racist. I think it’s taboo because many people like to have all or nothing. You say something like that one person did this or that people will act like your talking about a whole race. So I only talk about this with my family and close friends.

  4. BLOCKHEA says:

    i believe you are racist just for the fact your bringing up negative things within a race which may or may not be true.if you weren’t racist you would be asking “what are the solutions we can do to alleviate these issues


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