I’m a college student, and though I won’t graduate for another 3 semesters, the thought of life after college seems… lonely and unstructured. In some ways, it seems like life ends when you’re an adult–in the sense that, for the rest of your life, you’re going to work and not do much else. Of course, that’s not exactly true, but a LOT of working adults have this lifestyle. Their life centers around work, and that’s something you’re going to be doing for decades…so it seems like there’s no more “stages” of life to look forward too.
I kind of like the structured lifestyle that comes with being in education. I feel like I can’t handle all of the freedom that comes with adult/after college life. You’re truly on your own…. and even though I have friends, I feel like everyone just is doing their own thing, and has their own life so it’s difficult to form that stable support group. So many people who have graduated or who are graduating (either seemingly or actually) feel pretty confident with how there life is and the direction it’s going in. It’s like they’ve found their niche in life, have the support they need, and what not. But I feel lost and rather directionless…
For some reason, I feel like my life is going to feel pretty pathetic as an adult in the workforce. Following graduation, I’ll hopefully soon attain a career in less than 6 months, but I don’t know what else I’m going to do with myself… I assume I will be single, or at least not being even close to getting married. This could definitely not be the case, don’t get me wrong, but I assume I’ll be single, getting settled in my career and living with god knows who..hopefully some friends? A serious relationship would provide that stability at least…so I kinda hope I’m not single by that point. It would be nice to have a stable unit (in this case, a husband) to come home to…I feel like I’m going to be lacking stable emotional/social support in adult/workforce life
i think it is good that you have identified the source of your angst
that is the first step in getting better
the next step is to do something about it
try some counseling
go to the student center at you college / university
here is some advice i received (some i took & some i did not), not in any particular order:
– always treat people the way you would like to be treated
– when a door closes, a window opens
– this life you are living now is not a dress rehearsal
– you have the ability to control your life – only you – no one else
– don’t look at the superficial essence of people – look inside of their soul
– if you have to sign a legal document – take it home & review it overnight. preferably, see an attorney to protect your interests. remember, if it seems too good to be true – it probably is !
– don’t let people be bullied & don’t be a bully
– every time you make love to someone, you give a piece of yourself away. you don’t have too many pieces inside of you to give away – so be selective
– find the path to your own happiness – you are in charge of your own happiness – you are responsible for how you get out of bed every day & how you plan your day
– do volunteer work – it enriches the soul & lets you see how other people live their lives & survive their day to day existence
– go to the library
– when someone you care about hurts you, you can hold on to anger, resentment & thoughts of revenge — or embrace forgiveness & move forward. forgiveness frees your soul
– when you get a job ? save something from each & every paycheck you get – even if it is a dollar – it helps you plan for your future & sets up good habits for savings right from the beginning of your working career ! place this money in an interest bearing account
– don’t watch tv too much – it fries your brain & can encourage laziness
– don’t use profanity. it is a show of disrespect for yourself & those around you. there are millions of words out there – use them to express yourself !
– challenge yourself – don’t always take the easiest choice given to you or travel a path preferred by others – take chances
– make yourself do something different once in a while
– learn something new every day
– in order to give & receive love, you have to love yourself first – make loving yourself a priority in your life !
– drink v8 juice
– brush & floss your teeth at least two times per day
– drink lots of water – stay away from soda pop
– go to the library or book store – read !
– go for walks
– sometimes, when you can’t smile ? force yourself to – it encourages your inner psyche to survive the “blues” that come over everyone of us, from time to time
– keep a journal
– listen to music – it keeps you connected to your inner soul & to the universe – all of which are very important to survive on this planet
– always strive for a better education
– encourage people around you – especially strangers
– remember, we are all created equal – g*d does not make mistakes
– never, ever give in or give up
The subject that you are studying in college should be your job.