No. They are Austrians. What they have in common is language. For example, Canadians speak English and so do US citizens. But they are from a different country.
i’ll answer your first question no Austria is a different country thats why you have people called Austrians however Austria is affiliated with Germany as a large proportion if not all of Austria speak German and they also fought with Germany in WW1 and WW2. it was part of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation then Austrian Empire in 1804 then reformed into Austrian-Hungary.
hope this helped
Even if you do regard the majority of Austrians as ethnically “German,” don’t forget that there are a lot of Austrian citizens who are of Slavic, Italian, and other non-German ancestry.
The Romans called everybody west of the Rhine “Gallia” and everybody east of the Rhine “Germanius”. The Germanius, or barbarians, wore trousers and had no central government. That bugged the dickens out of the Romans because they couldn’t conquer people without a central government.
It was during the Franco-Prussian war that Prussia united all the Germanic peoples against the French. After the war the newly formed country was broken up. And that is why there is so little history about Germanic peoples. Before the Franco-Prussian war they were just scattered kingdoms, the stuff of nursery rhymes.
You are quite correct with your additional details. They were part of the Holy Roman Empire (1st Reich) and did not join a unified Germany in 1871 (2nd Reich) because the Prusssian King would have been the emperor of the new Germany. After the the plebiscite ,which took place immediately after the Anschluß, Austria rejoined Germany (3rd Reich) again.
Austrians are ethnic Germans, just like the inhabitants of Alsace, but like the Alsatians they are not citizens of Germany but of another state ie Austria and France. Incidentally, the Austrians are indistinguishable from Bavarians since they speak the same German dialect (Bajuwarisch) and culturally are much closer to the Austrians than they are to the North Germans.
So, they are affiliated with the Germans by race,language , culture and history.
To say that Austrians are Germanic may be misleading since it implies an ethno-linguistic group from Northern Europe that includes Scandinavians, Dutch, and English. The Germanic peoples are further subdivided within smaller groups even if they speak the same language. Thus, within modern Germany there are various Germanic groups, all speaking standard German or a dialect thereof. In other words, there is a continuum of various “German” markers that makes an individual German and not Scandinavian, for example, such as region or county (ex. Bavaria, Lower Saxony, etc) and “language” (ex. Low German, Upper German). To a much lesser degree these markers may include “appereance” (ex. not Slavic-or-Latin-looking) and “former country or region” (ex. Prussia or Germans from the Volga region).
Austrians are part of that continuum. However, due to history and physical geography, Austrians are an independent people who are “German” by ethnicity like the Swiss and Luxembourgers. (Germans are “German” by ethnicity and nationality.) The Austrians’ language is the Upper German variety with various sub-dialects within Austria itself.
Germans are Germans nationality, Austrians are Austrians nationality.
But your right most Austrians are German ethic and belong to bigger group of German ethic where they lived mostly in Germany and Austria as well in Switzerland,Liechtenstein. The German ethic are native to Central Europe.
People from Austria are Austrian. People from Germany are German. No its not affiliated.
No. They are Austrians. What they have in common is language. For example, Canadians speak English and so do US citizens. But they are from a different country.
No, no! The Austrians are Germans at all. They speak German, but that is the only association.
They are a “Germanic” people, but not identical, in the same way as the nations of the United Kingdom.
i’ll answer your first question no Austria is a different country thats why you have people called Austrians however Austria is affiliated with Germany as a large proportion if not all of Austria speak German and they also fought with Germany in WW1 and WW2. it was part of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation then Austrian Empire in 1804 then reformed into Austrian-Hungary.
hope this helped
Even if you do regard the majority of Austrians as ethnically “German,” don’t forget that there are a lot of Austrian citizens who are of Slavic, Italian, and other non-German ancestry.
The Romans called everybody west of the Rhine “Gallia” and everybody east of the Rhine “Germanius”. The Germanius, or barbarians, wore trousers and had no central government. That bugged the dickens out of the Romans because they couldn’t conquer people without a central government.
It was during the Franco-Prussian war that Prussia united all the Germanic peoples against the French. After the war the newly formed country was broken up. And that is why there is so little history about Germanic peoples. Before the Franco-Prussian war they were just scattered kingdoms, the stuff of nursery rhymes.
You are quite correct with your additional details. They were part of the Holy Roman Empire (1st Reich) and did not join a unified Germany in 1871 (2nd Reich) because the Prusssian King would have been the emperor of the new Germany. After the the plebiscite ,which took place immediately after the Anschluß, Austria rejoined Germany (3rd Reich) again.
Austrians are ethnic Germans, just like the inhabitants of Alsace, but like the Alsatians they are not citizens of Germany but of another state ie Austria and France. Incidentally, the Austrians are indistinguishable from Bavarians since they speak the same German dialect (Bajuwarisch) and culturally are much closer to the Austrians than they are to the North Germans.
So, they are affiliated with the Germans by race,language , culture and history.
To say that Austrians are Germanic may be misleading since it implies an ethno-linguistic group from Northern Europe that includes Scandinavians, Dutch, and English. The Germanic peoples are further subdivided within smaller groups even if they speak the same language. Thus, within modern Germany there are various Germanic groups, all speaking standard German or a dialect thereof. In other words, there is a continuum of various “German” markers that makes an individual German and not Scandinavian, for example, such as region or county (ex. Bavaria, Lower Saxony, etc) and “language” (ex. Low German, Upper German). To a much lesser degree these markers may include “appereance” (ex. not Slavic-or-Latin-looking) and “former country or region” (ex. Prussia or Germans from the Volga region).
Austrians are part of that continuum. However, due to history and physical geography, Austrians are an independent people who are “German” by ethnicity like the Swiss and Luxembourgers. (Germans are “German” by ethnicity and nationality.) The Austrians’ language is the Upper German variety with various sub-dialects within Austria itself.
Germans are Germans nationality, Austrians are Austrians nationality.
But your right most Austrians are German ethic and belong to bigger group of German ethic where they lived mostly in Germany and Austria as well in Switzerland,Liechtenstein. The German ethic are native to Central Europe.