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If Ron Paul Consistently Does Well In Hypotheticals With Obama, Yet Can’t Win In Gop, Should He Run 3rd Party?

Romney and Paul are the only two GOP contenders that have polled within the margin of error against Obama in multiple polls. What’s interesting is that Obama’s support drops from 47 to 42 when the contender is Paul instead of Romney (meaning Paul vs. Obama could be a much more volatile race).
Unlike Romney, Paul does not have popular support within the Republican party. However, even Rasmussen admits Paul is the strongest GOP candidate with non-affiliated voters BY A LOT.
I mean if Obama’s support drops all the way down to almost 40 in a head to head with Paul, wouldn’t it be worth a third party run (assuming the president’s approval rating is sub 40 and Mitt Romney is still being uninspiring)? The winner would only need about 37% of the popular vote to win.…
“Paul currently does best of the four [Republican candidates] among voters not affiliated with either of the major political parties”

No Responses to “If Ron Paul Consistently Does Well In Hypotheticals With Obama, Yet Can’t Win In Gop, Should He Run 3rd Party?”

  1. LibertyL says:

    I will do a write in for Paul even if he doesn’t win the GOP nomination.

  2. kitkat says:

    I would love it if he did..He is the only one I want to vote for.

  3. Joe says:

    I voted for Paul in the primaries. He’s stated he won’t run 3rd party on multiple occasions. Right now…i think he wants to be/force Mitt to be his running mate.
    He’s not going to run 3rd party. But he may claim he’s going to run 3rd party so he can get the V.P. spot.
    Ask Paul.

  4. Guess what's in my hand says:

    GOP supporters hate Obama with a passion and won’t listen to a word he says.
    Maybe it’s because he’s half black?
    Just saying.

  5. Zachary says:

    Only the republican and democratic nominees have any chance of winning, so he can if he wants to make a point, but it will be pointless. I’m not trying to be harsh, but it is the truth. If he wants to defeat Obama he has to win the Republican nomination (And if he does go third party it will only split the votes so neither conservative wins)

  6. S says:

    Sure, let his nutcase followers pointlessly vote for him.
    Ron Paul’s pointless Internet presidency…

  7. Hope is certainty (Ross) says:

    Decisions need to be made when their time is right to decide. Now is not the time.

  8. Ceria says:

    No. Ron Paul has been running for a third party for years now, I think this time should be different. I would just have a bad feeling about it. The Republicans want to beat Obama. Paul could get a position in the White House maybe if Romney/Santorum/Gingrich wins and vice verse. It’s all about Republicans winning the presidential race. Hillary Clinton became the Secretary of State after losing the presidential race. I completely agreed with Obama’s choice. I think she is doing a great job. And while they were in the race, I thought/said Hillary Clinton would make a great Secretary of State. Her foreign affairs are great. I wonder who Ron Paul will endorse?

  9. G says:

    Not now. He already proved that he would sell his soul. If he wouldn’t have affiliated himself with the Republican party, he might have had a very good chance running under a third party. He’s committed himself to a failed political party.


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