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Why Do Catholic (or Other Religious Affiliated) Hospitals Bill Medicare For Treatment Of The Poor?

If religious organizations want to be free of government regulation, why do they cooperate in government payments to carry out their mission?
If the mission of a religious (Catholic) hospital is to provide care for the poor and indigent, why don’t they do that WITHOUT government subsidy?
What kind of double-standard does it take to insist they don’t have to follow government regulations as employers based on their “conscience”, but still bill the government for providing the service their “conscience” tells them to?
All opinions welcomed.

No Responses to “Why Do Catholic (or Other Religious Affiliated) Hospitals Bill Medicare For Treatment Of The Poor?”

  1. ? says:

    let’s see your source

  2. Jim says:

    should they send the bills to YOU? be advised that should you succeed in forcing medicare OUT of any hospital that won’t bow to Mannon, you’re only net effect will be the elimination of one more source for medical treatment for the poor! for once in your life THINK!!!!

  3. GOP Clown Show says:

    Because they’re hypocrites.

  4. Mo says:

    medicare is for the elderly, not the poor.
    that being said, I dont know that their mission is to provide care for the poor and indigent. i would imagine their mission is no different from other community hospitals.

  5. TribuniP says:

    So let us close all Catholic hospitals that treat SICK people cause so ho cannot get them to buy her birth control pills? Are you really this ignorant or just born stupid?

  6. Tom says:

    They KNOW that if they did it all by themselves, they wouldn’t be able to effectively take care of their patients.

  7. EP says:

    Because the government requires hospitals to treat patients, if we were to level the playing field and take away the power of the government over Healthcare then maybe you would have a valid point

  8. LibertyL says:

    Because like the government the Catholic church wants money……….

  9. tonalc2 says:

    It does seem a bit two-faced, doesn’t it? But maybe since the elderly don’t need abortion or contraceptive services, they’re OK with taking government money for them.
    Hey, NCR Elite, here’s not only a source, but a story about Catholic Healthcare being busted for overbilling Medicare:…

  10. u_bin_ca says:

    so since when are expecting to be protected in accordance with the Constitution a desire to “be free of government regulation?”

  11. Jo says:

    Wow are you ever scary.
    I don’t even know where to begin.
    You are talking apples and glove boxes here.
    1) Medicare is an insurance paid for by the person who worked and paid into it all their lives (in theory). That person gets to choose where they get treated. All MC facilities fall under the same rules regulations and guidelines whether they are for profit, non-profit or denominational.
    2) Most (if not all hospitals) have charity care, some of the money comes from the government to treat patients, some from private donations. Either way, it has NOTHING to do with the employees.
    3) The “government regulations” of which you speak were not instituted following due process. Our lovely “ogre in chief” has decided he can just circumvent the constitution and demand “laws” be put into place that suit him. Those were no laws-they were just demands from a man-child.

  12. Wishful says:

    Because its a joint effort. The indigent and the poor aren’t just Catholic’s responsibilities.
    Catholics provide the hospitals, and the care. It is only fair that the government kick in as well. This allows for those who need the care the most, to be able to get it.
    By not allowing it, Catholic hospitals would have to shut down and then the government would be paying for those people elsewhere.
    We can’t fulfill our mission without money. If you can think of a way, please let us know. However, right now we need money in order to provide care and money doesn’t grow on trees.

  13. Flower says:

    I think you mean Medicaid. However, Catholic charity does exist at many Catholic hospitals for low income patients and they will often write off those debts. A hospital that is run by any religious group cannot bill Medicaid as do the non-religious hospitals.

  14. Montecor says:

    If they paid for everything they would have no money for the attorneys they need to defend perverted priest come from. Besides you really don’t expect an organized religion to follow the the teachings of Jesus.

  15. Daver says:

    < of the poor?>>
    They don’t. Medicare is NOT NECESSARILY for the poor only. Medicare is health insurance for people 65 years or older, under age 65 with certain disabilities, and any age with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Medicare has four parts — Part A, which is hospital insurance, Part B, which is medical insurance, Part C, which is Medicare Advantage Plans, and Part D, which is Prescription Drug Coverage.
    < out their mission?>>
    The GOVERNMENT that offers Medicare.
    That SAME GOVERNMENT also forbids itself from forcing organized religion to act in a manner that contradicts it’s Dogma.
    WITHOUT government subsidy?>>
    The answer is obvious – Catholic hospitals don’t have to turn down government subsidy.
    < tells them to?>>
    First of all, learn what a double-standard REALLY IS.
    Second, there is no double-standard here.
    Third, here’s a REAL double-standard for you: nowhere in the Constitution is the government obligated to provide health insurance for anyone, and yet the government does that, with your approval. Learn the Constitution of the United States.
    Your beef is with the government, not the Catholic Church.


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