Plot: Sometime in the future, the Earth is controlled by one government. Even with such power and control, the government keeps to itself. They never broadcast news about what’s going on. People keep to themselves, live well, and keep the government on the bottom of their list of worries.
On the West of a continent with no name is a boarding school. Even with the government at such a distance in the minds of the masses, the school is famous. But no one talks about it. The school recruits only the best of the best, the smartest of the smart and the strongest of the strong in hopes of creating a capable group of kids ready to tackle the oh so secret government jobs. There’s training in every field imaginable- economics, history, propaganda, marketing, athletics.
When our main character is recruited to attend the school, she is hardly surprised. Unlike the ignorant people she used to live with (with the exception of her one friend from back home) she actually carried around with her some common sense. While everyone from home either congratulated her or glared at her with either looks of jealousy or hatred, she was just ready to leave.
At the school, boys and girls are not to communicate. In fact, making friends is discouraged.
As the protagonist becomes familiar with the new school, she begins to notice things others don’t—things that make her question the objectives of the school and the government. She starts putting two and two together, and comes across a secret the government has been keeping form everyone: one that could change everything.
If you want a character list, just ask. I need help naming them!
I think the plot has many loopholes. You need to work out more convincing reasons as to WHY all this happens and WHY the people tolerate this dictatorship. There has to be reasons why they don’t rebel and why only this girl could figure this thing out since everyone knows about the government. I don’t know. If you make up good reasons and logic for your ideas, it could turn out pretty good. Other than it is good- but not entirely original. Kind of reminds me of the sadistic Capitol from Hunger Games.
Doesn’t matter though! You should go on to write it! 🙂
It sounds good. Very 1984-ish. You will want to give the no name continent a nickname for the masses to refer to it too. It sounds interesting. Good luck!!
Looks like a Fiction Story! Should do well.