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Can A Website With Multiple Topics Make Good Money?

Supposedly a website with a niche makes the best money.
My site isn’t focused on one particular topic though, instead it’s focused on many.
I have about 60 main topics that I’ve narrowed down as far as I could to represent main topics in life [aging, humans, quantum physics, animals, health and fitness, etc]
and within each topic I have a list of subtopics that build the main topic.
My site is designed by me and it’s made to look nice and easy to read and navigate.
I have adsense on every page and i’ve included affiliate links on a few pages and am building as the days go by.
Since the amount of topics I have lacks enough content for the time being, i haven’t driven any traffic yet. I haven’t offered my site for people to view yet..
So currently the most i’ve made is $0.89 through adsense and that’s from 2 clicks from 2 random visitors that i’m not sure how they found my site or if it was bots somehow.
But i’m wondering, are niche websites REALLY the best?
Is a website that has a ton of information on anything you can imagine something a person should stray away from?
So far I have months of hours put into this website. I rarely sleep, i’m always at the screen. I don’t watch tv or play games I simply work on my website to make it as best as I can and making it cross-browser compatible with jquery, css, php..
What do you think? Good idea? bad idea?
Do niche websites really get more traffic or does it all depend on how I traffic my website?

No Responses to “Can A Website With Multiple Topics Make Good Money?”

  1. Steven says:

    There is no problem whether a company handles a single keyword or a multiple but it has to be operate properly.

  2. Jake says:

    The big issue for most is getting free search engine traffic, since 90% of search clicks are for the top 10 result on page 1, most small time operators can’t get a high search ranking for popular, highly popular terms, likewise a site with no specific topic will also have a tough time getting on to search result page that people actually see.
    There are certainly are exceptions, sites like the Huffington Post cover a wide variety of topics but have the staff and advertising budget needed to become an authority site.
    The overall traffic of a sub niche site might not be that great, but the advertising conversion rate from a more homogenous visitor demographic will be much higher. If you at least narrowed it down to a few topics you have a better chance of accumulating the content volume needed to earn search ranking.


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