Consider the Secret Service and Military scandal in Columbia:
In the USA, prostitution is considered illegal since it violates the dignity and quality of life of a person due to economic disparity.
Where prostitution is legal; the act is still considered unethical by our own value system–but since it is considered a legal (and the “oldest profession”), when the person is owed money they expect to be paid since this is how they earn their costs of living.
Where the Secret Service actually committed a theft, if prostitution is legal in Columbia–by our own standards the entire market is illegal since it exploits those who are less advantaged.
The question is for those who don’t find a problem with the market of prostitution–which is worse, theft or exploiting the less advantaged?
Do not necessarily support either option.
But this goes far beyond simple theft or exploitation…. (BTW I find this whole thing to be highly suspect…. there are things not being revealed….. I have NEVER known a prostitute / escort that EVER gave services without getting paid first….. for precisely the reason that they can not recover their services if the client refuses to pay )
But regardless the Secret Service and the Military escort…..put themselves in a compromising position….. and for that alone they should be disciplined.
I have been on several of these missions….. I was once Hubert Humphrey’s escort….. when you are assigned to this detail you represent the BEST of America….. you are an ambassador for America…..your conduct reflects on America….. this is NOT party time….
They not only tried to steal services from a locally legal business (???)
They not only exploited women and their economic condition
They not only shamed their nation with their boorish behavior
These agents had access to information and credentials that if misappropriated could get the President assassinated…… many of them were probably vulnerable to blackmail……
Rather than being fired / resigned…..they should be in jail charged with dereliction of duty