This guy is usually known as CoreyH. He was on Animalcrossingcommunity. He’s been around for several years and he must be trolled. Now he is on Gamefaqs and Youtube by the name of “Gamenamebully’.
Wanna know why he needs to be trolled?
1. He’s a racist. When he went in the original Supersmashpros(The original people who trolled him many years ago) site he ended up saying the “N” word to look cool.
2. He has horrible ideas. I mean seriously…restricting content to new users AND making it so people can edit your posts? That one idea he made that everyone liked was obviously another persons idea.
3. He has bad game ideas. I mean seriously… an RPG with multiple characters? A fan made crossover fighting game with niche characters added with popular characters? What in the world man!
4. He’s annoying. He never stops talking.
5. When Super Smash Brothers Brawl was being close to released he wanted Earthworm Jim in it. That pissed off everyone.
6. He has bad grammar.
7. While I don’t mind homosexuality, he has many people defending him that are almost always male. He is making actual homosexuals look bad.
8. He likes the Game Bully and thinks it’s the best game ever AND he never shuts up about it.
9. He makes bad art. I mean seriously.
10. He has poor taste in music.
11. He hides behind mods and Admins.
12. He is an idiot, plain and simple.
He’s been around for several years but the original SuperSmashpros ended up disbanding. I think it’s for them to come back and troll him or at least a new group to troll this noob. He makes the Internet look bad.
Here is my site if you want to join the cause. You can look up more information on him.
So does anyone feel like trolling him?
One way is to ignore him that is what I would prefer doing. Hope that helped
Nah, sounds like a waste of energy. All of this is just your opinion as well. But I’m sure if he’s that horrible then karma will take it’s toll on him soon. Take care.