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I’m 2nd Year Commerce/science Double At Uni. I Still Don’t Know What Major I Want To Do Let Alone Career?help?

I went into this course thinking I really wanted to do accounting and marketing and then biology and psychology on the science side, as this is what I was doing in high school (except bio). Now I’m really not sure as I don’t think they are for me – I have absolutely no idea :/. It’s just so confusing because I’m in my second year at the moment.. and I’m still just as confused, if not even more so, than I was when I first began.
I’m just wondering what my options are… I don’t want to leave the degree… because I might as well finish it. I’m just wondering what potential careers I might get from this? A lot obviously… but I’m sort of interested in running my own business one day. Beginning a niche market with something rather than being in the lab doing experiments side of things. I honestly don’t know..
Has anyone else been in my position exactly or at least a similar position? and manage to get through and find something they really liked?

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