You gotta love these stereotypical questions, huh? The situation is that my family is military and we have to move up to PA. I’ve lived in Dover for ten years, I’m really grounded here. I’m 16 years old and I’ll be heading into my junior year in this new high school, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for getting acclimated? I’m not really worried about making friends or looking attractive or anything like that, I just wanted to know if there’s anything that would help me find my niche as quick as possible, just with the way the school runs as far as their procedures, especially so I don’t get lost or something like that (how weird would it be for a junior to get lost on their way to class?). It’s also a bit of a double wammy because my little sister will be a freshman this year and I really worry about how she’ll adjust. So, if anyone has any similar stories I’d love to hear them. Thanks a bunch!
I just moved to pa myself in Manchester my boyfriend lived in Dover and went to high school out there I graduated from a high school in Maryland last year but my school had a map in the guidance office see if they have one in there just drop pass let them know you are new and you want a map of the school so you don’t get lost lol
The best thing you can do for yourself is to just be yourself. Find where you fit in. If you just be yourself, others like you will gravitate toward you.
these are tips that i’ve been giving freshmen lately…
and honestly nobody gives a crap about what you wear
– don’t be scared/nervous/worried… high school is not that big of a deal
– get a map of the school so you don’t get lost… but don’t walk around the school with it in front of your face
– don’t ask upperclassmen for help if you’re lost (ask a teacher or friend) cuz they might point you in the wrong direction
– don’t stop in the middle of the hallways
– join clubs/sports… trust me it’s an easy way to make friends and it looks good on college applications
– don’t run to lunch
– don’t be intimidated by upperclassmen
– don’t tell your boyfriend you ‘love’ him in the same week you started dating him.
– on the first day don’t wear you hollister shirt, hollister pants, hollister flipflops, and carrying your hollister bag… you will have freshman written all over you and don’t wear too much makeup/accesories… just wear something simple but cute
– it is possible to fall UP the stairs… lol. but if this (or something like this) does happen don’t be embarrassed… just laugh at yourself and walk away cuz its no big deal
– please don’t be an immature freshman
– make good grades (don’t screw it up freshman year cuz you WILL regret it)
– don’t come to school on the first day with your huge backpack full of colored pencils, glue sticks, tissue boxes… you don’t need all that crap you’re in high school now. all you need for the first day is paper, pencils, and a folder
– there is no pool on top of the school
– some of the best friends you could have are the “nerds” or smart kids. they tend to be the really nice people, and if you are their friend they will help you with your school work. just because they are a “nerd” in high school doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be their friend… cuz when they grow up they will be the ones making a lot of money!!… and you will be one of the ones invited on their yacht!
– if someone offers you an elevator pass…. don’t buy it!!!
– don’t be the annoying kid who always cracks immature jokes in class. teachers hate that. always be nice to the teachers cuz one day when you are a senior they will help you write college reccomendation letters and you will be glad that you behaved in their class.
– don’t decorate your locker (nobody at my school decorates them)
– don’t start talking to random uppperclassmen like they are your best friend
– don’t be afraid to make new friends! even with the people you thought you hated. your in high school now and people change. everyone deserves a second chance.
– don’t talk about your UPPERCLASSMEN friends cuz you can tell someone is a freshman when they say “my SENIOR friend….. blah blah blah” it doesn’t matter what grade they are in! all of your friends are PEOPLE.
– don’t talk about how “cool” you think you are cuz your finally in high school
– upperclassmen have other things to worry about and they could care less about freshmen…. if people do pick on you they will most likely be sophomores: they think they have the right to pick on you cuz they’re not freshman anymore….. but i think if a sophomore picks on you that is pathetic cuz they are only a year older than you.
– be prepared for freshman friday!!!! nahhh i’m just kidding it doesn’t exist…. and any rumors you hear are all FAKE! nothing scary happens… and high school is nothing like the movies.
good luck