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Any Tips On Getting “best Answer” So I Know I’m Being Helpful?

I think I should avoid mental health and psychology. I just seem to get into a fight in politics. And the recent questions in all categories look hard. So I need a niche. Helping with homework is no good because there are always several answers. Also if I need to consult the internet how do I find the question again?

No Responses to “Any Tips On Getting “best Answer” So I Know I’m Being Helpful?”

  1. Otts Shoals says:

    There are several ways to improve the chances.
    1. Write very detailed, complete sentence, correct spelling responses. They are much more likely to be picked.
    2. Don’t answer questions that get many answers. The odds are against you with those. Go to categories you like, and sort the questions by number of answers and work with zero and one answer questions. It also helps those people.
    3. Be positive, but truthful. Don’t speculate, don’t chat, and don’t try to be the questioner’s friend. Getting chummy actual hurts your chances except in the P&S category.

  2. Cosimo )O( says:

    You can be helpful without getting best answer – they are not necessarily the same thing. The best tip I can give you is, try to help the questioner. That may well mean sometimes you give them the answer they need, and that might not be the answer they expect. In these cases, you most likely won’t get best answer. But you will have been helpful. In the end, the answers that make a difference are the best answers, even if they don’t get the 10 points. The questioner will remember them months later.
    Still and all, if you approach every question with the motivation to help (not with the desire for 10 points), that will come over and you will get a fair few best answers for your pains.
    Not all questions require knowledge to answer well. There are a lot of questions about relationships, for example, which benefit more from experience.
    If you see questions you wish you could answer, you can use that as a prompt to expand your own knowledge, and next time you might be able to have a go at it.
    Final tip – avoid questions which say “Please don’t tell me … [whatever]”. Questioners who try to limit answerers’ latitude for honesty in this way already know what answer they want, and they only want you to agree with them.

  3. bdloving says:

    Most browsers you can open another Tab (ctrl-T) to search and keep YA on current question.
    Answer questions you know about is easiest way to get Best Answer.

  4. Tarek says:

    Just do a fast search and make the subject helpful…and best my answer please i really like to feel helpful 😉

  5. gZ says:

    Hi !
    1.Answer questions you know best. If you know you’re great a mathematics, stay in that section! You wouldn’t go to Health if you didn’t know much about that subject.
    2.Don’t ask a lot of questions. Asking a lot of questions costs 5 points and deducts your points in your account.
    3.When the questions you answered are put in voting section in your profile, go to those questions. In those questions, you see the “Choose as Best Answer” button below the users’ answers. You are allowed to vote yourself. To do this, click the “Vote as Best Answer” button (on top of the thumbs up/down buttons).
    4.Always be the first person to answer a question with best adequate information. Askers like to see someone supporting their answers with details. This is an easier way to receive a best answer since it is the first one they read.
    Reach the daily limit of answering questions and voting answers when you are between Level 1 and 4 (full chart located on Sources and Citations).
    You don’t have to follow the steps like above. You can ask some questions everyday to get answers.
    Answerers with the quickest typing speed and mastering knowledge in certain categories have higher chances of answering a lot of questions and getting best answers.
    Adding details is optional. You might get the best answers without arriving your answer with details.
    Give the most informative answer you can. You will most likely get a Best Answer if you do. Site your sources, give websites that might help, use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
    Don’t answer questions with unnecessary or unrelated details. Yahoo! Staff will ban you or deduct points for doing this.
    Don’t make false reports on someone. You lose a lot of support from the Yahoo! Team.
    Don’t ask “chatting” questions (for example, “Can I have a chat with you?”). This violates the community guidelines.
    More people in Yahoo! Answers get too addicted to this forum website. This wastes their time to do some activities, so don’t be like those people.
    Don’t violate community guidelines because you’ll end up losing points or your account, depending on the offense.
    Don’t stay up too long online. This is not healthy for your eyes, posture, and body. Take some rest!
    Don’t be too competitive about earning points. Yahoo! Answers is not a game.
    Avoid Polls & Surveys and Jokes & Riddles, and other “easy” categories. They often give random best answers, and is not an effective way to earn points. It might even lower your Best Answer percentage.
    Don’t create additional accounts, especially for your benefit to gain more points! This goes against the Yahoo! Answers community guidelines, and may even suspend you if they catch you red-handed. Better not to risk it.
    Don’t give pointless and/or useless answers to gain points, such as, “I don’t know” or “Google it.” Not only will others give you a thumbs down, but you’re also not likely to get Best Answer, and your answer may even be deleted if reported. This is also called “trolling.”
    Do not beg others to choose you as Best Answer. This seems too desperate, and others may just ignore you just because you pleaded for the 10 points.
    Hope This Help !


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