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If Humans Went Extinct, Which Species Would Be Most Likely To Evolve Intelligence And Take Over Our Niche?


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  1. The Phantom of Methoozelah says:

    Chimps or gorillas.
    Too bad chimps do nothing but swing in trees eating bananas all day.

  2. Vanessa says:

    Apes, including monkeys & chimps, because they are the only ones with opposable thumbs with which to grasp & use things.

  3. grtldy10 says:

    Since evolution can’t actually create a new species, my guess would be bonobo chimpanzees. They could actually develop human-level intelligence without becoming another species.

  4. Arch says:

    If the extinction event is a nuclear war, cockroaches.

  5. SA says:


  6. Olmec says:

    Evolution would just happen all over again and chimps would eventually become a similar looking species as homosapiens. Remember we share 98% of a chimps DNA, all it takes is 2% and you get space travel and nuclear weapons.

  7. Chad says:

    Bacteria? We have abundance of them everywhere even in the remotest and harshes regions in the world.

  8. Paris says:

    This is very theoretical (impossible actually) But to play along. I would have to say pigs! They are very (smart?) creatures.

  9. Daniel says:

    Having owned many of them, I’m not going to go with the obvious and say chimps, I’m gonna say rats. I think they could really do harm if they took an evolutionary leap forward. I had one rat that was so smart he scared me.


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