I just bought my first road bike and ordered pedals and shoes for it but realised there are different cleat compatability between shoes and the cleats, as a complete noobie i was wondering if my shoes:
are compatable with the cleats and pedals:
thanks for your help, thought i should ask people in the know before the order gets dispatched.
Yes they are compatible and will work fine. You will find walking to be a little awkward road bike shoes do not bend and the cleats are exposed but they provide more support then SPD mountain bike shoes.http://www.caree.org/bike101cliplesspeda…
Yep, these will work together. Most road bike shoes are drilled for 3-bolt cleats which is the type used for the pedals you have chosen. The shoes you’ve picked are compatible with road cleats (3-bolt) and mountain (2-bolt).
Read the information about the shoe
“Underneath there are cleat drillings for Shimano’s two-bolt SPD system and three-bolt SPD-SL and Look-style systems.”
These shoes will fit either road OR mountain bike pedals