This is describing me pretty 17 btw
I am shy and a lot of girls say im cute ( not directtly but from my two close girls friends) but i dont know how to open up and just be friends with them. I start school on Monday and i wanna try to be more open but i dont know how. My close friends tell me i have great qualities but my qualities are hidden cause of my shyness.
I go to a super small school so I know everyone but i dont have many close friends. im scared cause most of my friends already have their niches and im afraid ill intrude and i wont be able to fit in. I see so many people who are social with everyone and I just dont know how.
I would really like a gf since i havent had one but idk how i can do that if nobody knows of my more in depth qualities and personality.. its just a scary thought stepping out of my comfort zone to meet new ppl
heeres my list describing moi
1. dirty blond/brown hair.. blue/green eyes (depending on my surroundings. i get a lot of compliemnts on the eyes :p)
2. athletic body
3. 5’9 150
4. jockish (baseball, soccer, basketball on school teams)
5. considered a class clown type so i bring out the laughs lol
6. a little on the shy side
7. outgoing once comfortable with people
8. smart
9. caring
10. honest
11. considered a “nice, sweet guy” by most peoples standards
12. protective of friends
13. loves to help others and their problems/issues
14. all types of music are welcomed to my earholes :p
15. loves dogs
16. i dont pick fights unless someone picks a fight with me whether it be physical or verbal
17. i am friendly with all who are friendly with me
18. i look at personalities first
19. i dont smoke pot (never have)
20. i do drink but i have no intention of drinking too much
21. i like going to house parties and just having fun (im not a 24/7 partier but i like to have fun)
22. i have some trust issues which can cause me to come off as clingy but not to the extreme (trust isssues wouldnt effect a relationship most like, only during the bggining at most)
23. i am not experienced (only kissed girls nothing more then that)
24. ive been called dorky (but as a compliment? idk lol)
25. i overthink at times
26. i have trouble meeting new people because of my shyness
27. i try not to cause drama in my life
28. i have a fear of being forgotten which leads me to usually take initiative most of the time (it doesnt give me the chance to let the girl take the initiative over convesations on fb and text and such)
29. i am staightfoward, no games or anything. if u like u ill show it
30. I like being shy but at times i see it as a flaw
31. I am a hard worker and I put passion into eveything i do (job, birthday giifts, whatever)
32. sometimes i take things seriosuly that shouldnt (but only for a second or two so its not too bad)
33. i usually type long and thought out texts
34. im fine with premarital/teenage sex but i wouldnt rush it or revolve a relationship around it
First I have to say that you sound like an awesome guy and like a perfect boyfriend! If I was 2-4 years younger I would date you. But you just have to gain the confidence in yourself to do something strange and out of the box maybe if you want to date a girl, get to know her and become more confident in yourself and then one day after you get really close just tell her that you like her. I’m sure she would say yeah!
You seem like a really nice guy. I used to be really shy too but my friends helped me by getting to know and meet their friends, even if they weren’t my type of people. Getting to know more people helped me overcome my shyness. You should try,it’ll help alot. Good luck.
Hmm, it seems like you’re really insecure. To open up more to girls, just be yourself! As long as you make it clear that you want to remain friends, you should be fine. Girls will appreciate that they can have a guy friend without any drama about a relationship. From what you say, you seem to be fine, just a little unsure about who you belong with.
About the gf part, just get really close to a girl who you like. Things might work out or they might not. Hopefully they will. – and here is my question, if you find time.
i am just like you…i always thought it was weird and i was abnormal but i spoke to a good adult friend of mine who is also a psychologist and i was diagnosed as being a H.S.P. google it and you will be amazed at how you relate to it and also if you are like that its a gift not a curse so don’t stress it…i have changed a hell of a lot through puberty but im only 14… i have learned to open up a lot, i go to a small school to…35 people lol its a home-school also known as a cottage school its really cool there…im not popular but i am greeted when i walk in and when i leave and that’s all i need and whats cool about my school is that i can even be pretty tight with the seniors…but just try to fit in…if you go home every afternoon and can think i all the laughs you had that day then its cool…don’t get to close to any group though because that could change who you are as a person so i would just keep going…if you want the girls then don’t be afraid to check them out
but make sure you don’t go out of your way to get caught just don’t be scared of being caught but don’t become a perv…if you can become who you are and display to public your own dreams, aspirations personality’s and sexual side, the girls will love you and you’ll feel good about yourself after-wards and before you know it you will become your best friend so just chill and do you thing and have a great time…also please go on to my…thingy and check one of the questions i answered on ”how do i open up to this girl in my neighborhood” just read through it, its one of the questions i answered telling someone how to get this girl…i sounded like such a b*tch that day though i was just having a really bad day but im being nice to you today
and check the sources i gave him so you can learn…and google hsp-highly sensitive person…good luck man…get a girl and make some friends but don’t forget about grades and make sure those friends and the girls are not just for show…take care and good luck…and………………..please could you answer my open question too i really would appreciate it…enjoy life, good luck, hope i helped 
also thanks for giving so much info about yourself cause it gave me something to work with and to help me give you your diagnosis lol
remember also to man up just a little im not trying to be insulting but you dont want to become a push over good luck again lol