So my younger sister likes one direction, shes 12… now I know it is generally acknowledged by anyone not 12 and female that they can be stupid, or at the very least care about stupid things.
Now I’m not out to insult because I love my sister and I was once young and stupid but, I came across a magazine of hers, ( tiger, or something) and the front cover was devoted to one direction, the sub headline read “go undercover with one direction” and the secondary topics were “one direction reveals all” and then a few of the things they might be revealing.
now, aside from the fact that these people seem to “reveal all” about 5 times a day, i started to wonder what could they be revealing, are these the guys that know the secrets to the untamed universe? or Perhaps they know (for a fact) whether the moon landing was a hoax, what could they be revealing?
its gotten to the point where it is hard to exaggerate and joke about these kind of things, because I am not sure i could find much more pointless information for them to share, that would not make headlines, “harry says he likes oxygen” “liam uses a comb for his hair, ‘brushes are a no-no’ he says”
I cant help but think the people writing this know it is a joke, they cant wait to release this magazine to the hoards, the masses, the multitudes of blank consumers, who exist entirely in their cycle
so one direction fans…
I can understand liking them, having crushes, listening to their music etc.
But that stuff in the magazines and all the useless information, like what they had for a snack at 4:23 pm last night.
Is that stuff actually interesting to you, (not specifically that stuff) do you pick up magazines like that actually caring about anything other than their music, and maybe a couple “cute” little things about them, do you care about their personal lives?
and if you do why? why do you want to know that stuff?
do you find the fact that tabloids mass produce these things and specifically target you as a consumer using formulas to control exactly what you will buy into, insulting to your intelligence?
do you feel like the magazine and media companies are laughing at you, while they scientifically and mathematically adjust their business model and product based on “market research” in order to make media more of a commodity?
Ok. I’m a 1D fan but I have NO idea what you’re sayin. Is this even a question?? -.-
these fans don’t care about 1D’s music! their music is really stupid. they just care about the boys or how they look or what they do. Some of them are just casual observers with a desire to be entertained. and some of them are just curious about their lives like they want to know how these people (famous people) live or how their lives look like? but most of these girls have crush on them so obviously they would follow them. they really don’t know that these stuff is stupid!! I dont know why a girl should waste her whole life just for a singer like JB or 1D’s band boys !!!! but certainly these girls are not awake. because if they were, then they would’t listen to these stuff. and yes i think magazine and media companies are laughing at them lol. i mean come on look at JB. hes rich, his perfume is number 1 in usa just becuz hes cute!! btw Im a girl and Im 13 but I dont like pop.
they prob are laughing at us
Sorry, I am not a one direction fan so i can’t answer.
I don’t really read those magazines and usally fans know all that stuff and directioners so I’m still getting to know them so I really like them
I suppose it would but the information they put in the magazines are from like 2, 3, 4 months ago so to me its old news when I get live updates on twitter the moment its happening. I mainly just buy the magazines for the posters recently. I’d rather sit on twitter listning to the album and in a few weeks the new single Live While We’re Young.
most people buy those magazines for the pictures, and 99.9% of the fans already know that information. and they just buy that stuff just to say that they have something with one direction in it. i’m a one direction fan, a big one (no im not 12) but i don’t buy those magazines because the information in them is stupid and pointless to be honest. plus if i want to look at pictures of them i could just go on tumblr or google.
Is this a question?