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Why Are Young Americans Floundering?

If success isn’t guaranteed to anyone, how can we have society at all..?
Recent stats show 100 million americans are accepting government aid.
Why aren’t there more homeless people? How can young people find their niche?

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  1. Ashley says:

    Because employers don’t want to invest the time and money to train a younger workforce so they recycle the already trained older generation. They think with all the layoffs and millions unemployed, they can find at least one they don’t have to train. I’m afraid of what America is going to look like once the older generation dies out.

  2. hello says:

    Government encourages unmarried woman to have babies they can’t support. Lots of solo parents get more money from government than from working.
    Lots of fathers of children on government income don’t want to work because they lose most of it in child support payments.
    Lots of men don’t realise a lot of woman just use them as a sperm bank so as they can have a child and then the guys have to pay child support for the rest of their lives. Guys need to wise up and use condoms if they don’t want to be indebted to child support payments.
    Government brings in temporary workers on temporary work visas and tourist visas that work at under the minimum wage. All governments do this and it needs to stop as it is hypocritical. That employer is contributing nothing to the economy and increasing the rate of people on government aid.
    Because wages are low lots of employers are receiving corporate welfare for their employers because they don’t pay a livable wage that doesn’t need a government top up.
    Government is bringing in too many immigrants and refugees. Give first priority for jobs to refugees in low paid jobs. Give first priority to your own natural born citizens for decent paying jobs with good work conditions. Stop educating refugees and stop charging for your own natural born citizens to go to varisty. Say no to foreign aid and a free education without loans for foreign aid students and blacks.
    Too much emphasis on fixing other nations without getting your own backyard in order first. American youth first.
    Also maybe in the usa people on the government pension can work full time plus receive a government pension for income. So a lot of older people continue working past the retirement age; maybe make it that you either work or receive the government pension and that way it would free up jobs for school leavers. Government pensions should be means tested and you shouldn’t be able to work full time and receive full time income of government pension. One or the other.

  3. Pakbwl42 says:

    Few good jobs in my area, new jobs that are coming are in retail and the pay sucks. The lady that lives across the street has all her grown children and grand children living there. Looks like I live in hill billy country these days, crap scattered all over her lot.
    The young born to the 1% are doing fine, not everyone is without success. Their parents buy assets that grow with inflation. Pay attention to those that are winning the game.

  4. ? says:

    Don’t be fooled. Many homeless people are that way because they are alcoholics and lazy. I know, I used to volunteer in a shelter, and I’ve worked at the food stamp office. Trust me, many people are lazy. There are many who are struggling and need aid, but there are many who aren’t.

  5. The Troublesome Gator says:

    Because in order to keep labor costs low in the US, people like Mitt Romney shipped thousands of American jobs to China. That way they could minimize labor costs and by paying their workers less they could deliver greater returns to share-holders.
    The problem is they went too far and decimated the consumer spending base in the US, then in a fit of desperation they got Dubya to stop enforcing a lot of banking regulations so they could create a real estate Ponzi scheme, then when that fell apart we got the Bush/Cheney recession.

  6. libertar says:

    Mostly because the over 50 voting block has pushed for more consideration by sucking it all out of the younger working age folks prospects.

  7. ahandle1 says:

    Cuz there not done be any jobs in the Obama economy.

  8. manifest ohhhh says:

    they don’t know how to succeed…….they’re in the everybody gets a trophy generation……

  9. Paladin says:

    ny nieces and nephews are doing just fine


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