So I DONT want to be affiliated with white power/ nazi in any way what so ever. I want a career in law enforcement so what would you think. I have a shaved head and I am blonde iv had a shaved head for 7 years but I am part German but i do want to show my German heritage by getting the german coat of arms eagle tattooed across my chest, would this be a bad choice for the career I am going to choose or would people think I’m white power? Btw I don’t care what people think of me… As I already have a sleeve. I just dot want to be looked at in a bad German way. Thanks
To me, that doesn’t say white power, but to others it may. If I were you, id research what white power tattoos have distinctly that the german coat of arms doesn’t, and try stay away from that. Ask friends and family on their opinion, if there’s someone who does think it resembles white power ask them why. But otherwise a really great idea, I think it will be a great tattoo