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Why Were Freemasons Persecuted During The Holocaust?

The only thing I know about Masons is that they are often affiliated with The Illuminati. Give me some valid background on them and why this would lead to their persecution.

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  1. Nightwol says:

    The Freemasons were persecuted during the Holocaust because the Nazi’s didn’t like anyone that promoted free thought and brotherly love for everyone regardless of race, or religion. The Freemasons were persecuted along with the Jews, Catholics, and all races except whites.
    On a side note, the Freemasons have nothing to do with the Illuminati except in the minds of conspiracy theory nut jobs.

  2. Vishnu says:

    Freemasons are Jewish secret brotherhood whose initiation ceremonies are based on devil and death worship. They play act construction of 1st temple at Temple mount and pledge to reconstruct it again. They were responsible for world war 1 and defeat of germany. The aspire for world domination ow they are replaced by Illuminati or NWO.

  3. s0mewher says:

    Freemasons have long been seen as seditious by despots and dictators. The primary reason is because they promote religious tolerance, democracy and equality. These things are dangerous to totalitarian regimes.
    Hitler went to great lengths to make Freemasonry into some vast Jewish conspiracy. Which it is not of course. But then again Hitler’s propaganda ministry also trotted out the the protocols of the elders of zion as fact, when in fact it was a fraud.
    Also since Masonic meetings are open to Masons only, a despot could not know what is being discussed in those meetings and also cannot be allowed to continue under this type of rule. Only the leader and his designates can tell the people what to think and believe.
    Freemasonry encourages free thinking and self improvement, which is also and anathema to dictatorships.
    It is historically documented by the Nazis, that they did close all masonic Lodges, confiscate their belongings and when membership lists were found, round up the members and make them where a red triangle on all outer garments. Which made it easy to find and ship them to concentration camps, which many lost their lives at.
    Also Freemasons are NOT affiliated or connected to the historical Illuminati. The Illuminati was a Bavarian political action group that sought the overthrow of the monarchy and separation of Church and state. They were discovered by the authorities in 1785-87 and disbanded and were nonexistent by 1789. There is no evidence of them after this period except for the rantings of conspiracy theorists who produce no evidence whatsoever.


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