Archive | November, 2012

If The Illuminati Is So Secret & Powerful…?

How is it that they allow so much DETAILED (and I do mean detailed) information about them float around? If they control everything, shouldn’t they be able to erase it all and make people forget they ever saw it? I mean if they can kill high profile people like JFK, Whitney, and Michael and keep it all “secret” why wouldn’t they just knock off all the internet bloggers who try to expose them? That should be small potatoes for them. And if they’re so rich and powerful, what’s the point of messing with everybody else when they have the $$$, power, and influence to do whatever the heck they want already? I mean, what seriously is the point??! Now I don’t doubt that there is some Big Brother types of stuff going on, but I think that’s more for money-making purposes. And I do believe it’s highly possible that alot of today’s artists are into some weird stuff. But the whole Illuminati conspiracy… I’ve tried so hard to open my mind and try to understand it, but I just can’t… Lol The whole thing makes absolutely no sense to me.

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What Is Susan Rice’s Best Quality? Transparency, Incompetence, Or Willingness To Lie?

I guess willingness to lie is her best quality to people who love to be mislead. Those that hated Bush and Condoleeza sure fawn all over this Rice. She couldn’t say it was a terrorist attack because that was classified???? We all knew it was planned terrorist attack when it was reported. She stayed on message for 5 days LYING when the al-Qaida affiliate was claiming responsibility in 48 hours!!!???

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What Makes A Guitar Sound Better?

Im still not completely sure on what makes a guitar sound better?

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How Does Animal Start Off As A Herbivore Than Over Time Evolves Into A Pure Carnviore?

I understand that bears and pigs did that to survive but they changed from a herbivorous diet to a omnivorous diet. But how does a animal go from a plant eater to a pure carnviore. The animal I’m talking about is the marsupial lion. I was watching a documentary on it. And they said the marsupial lion ancestor was a plant eating wombat or kola, to fill the ecological predator niche. First off why did it evolve to be a predator when there where plenty of predators on Austurlia! A terror bird, terrestrial crocodile, giant snake, megalaina and thaylcines. Second why in the word is it name the marsipual lion and it dosent look like a lion! A lion has a man. While this animal has bolt cutter teeth. I don’t understand….. If I had saw the fossil remains of a marsipual lion I wouldn’t think it was a lion, . I probably think it was some mutated animal or alien, the last thing on my mind would be that it is a lion, who discovered this animal obvliousily never seen a real lion before . does that look like a lion?

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My Private Yahoo Mail Is Hacked?

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have very big problem. Somebody hacked my profile. All my contacts, sent & receiveg mails are deleted. How can I recover this data ?! My address is Also, from that my address somebody sending spam e-mails to people from my address book. Please HELP !!!
Thank You so much in advance !!
Dragisa Radulovic

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Will Asurion Replace A Phone A Day After I Got The Insurance?

I got my phone on black friday, the lady that sold me the phone told me I had to put the insurance on myself because staples does not affiliate with asurion. I put insurance on my phone yesterday and later that very day I leaned against a table while installing a printer for my father and put too much pressure at the wrong angle on my phone. It was indeed after I got the insurance, but I’m not too trustful of companies like asurion, and was hoping someone could give me some reassurance that they will provide me with a new (or refurbished) samsung galaxy s3, or if they decide to think that I put the insurance on after I damaged the phone and not replace it at all. Please help and please be dead honest, thanks!

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