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Can It Be Possible That The Aliens In Other Planets Are Humans Too?

Can it be possible? The same chemical here in Earth could have traveled to other planet that started life.

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  1. Bob D1 says:

    Indeed it is potentially possible. There isn’t anything special about Earth or, for that matter, human beings. If humans hadn’t evolved here on Earth, something else with similar characteristics would have. In other words, one or more of the animal species, mammal, and most likely a primate, would have eventually filled the niche that we humans occupy today. In the past 2 million years there have been as many as 30 different species of hominids (pre-humans) that was in the race to fill our current niche, but for one reason or another couldn’t successfully compete with our particular line for complete dominance. Whose to say that on another world, the out come of such a scenario might have been very, very different. Evolution does not favor humans in the slightest. We just happened to have the right stuff to be well suited to our environment, little else.
    As for the origin of life and our own evolutionary past, it is most likely that we humans did evolve from life here on Earth, but that doesn’t mean there’s not other possibilities.
    Best regards

  2. Jay says:

    Life on earth evolved from small cells, and eventually reached homosapiens, on other planets the atmosphere would be much different, the life there would be much different and how they survived could be different also, so they would have evolved to a different stage in evolution to meet their needs of survival much like us homosapiens evolved to have opposable thumbs. In billions of years to come, there will nod doubt be an exact replica of you though.
    The known universe’s distance is 1.475884 * 10^27 meters long, and is speeding up in expansion rather than slowing down.
    The amount of quantum states of particales possible to make up the structure of your entire body space which is probably about 1m^3 is 10^10^70, which is a big number, but eventually the universe will get bigger than that, and somewhere in the universe there will be an exact evolutionary state of your body elsewhere in the universe.
    So maybe not now, but eventually there will be a ” human ” elsewhere in the universe.

  3. Richard says:

    Its not just a question of the starting point. Even assuming life with much the same chemistry as our own started elsewhere, why should it evolve randomly towards homo sapiens? After all, most life on earth didn’t. Most life on earth, indeed, evolve into insects, so we’re told. That suggests that aliens are more likely to be insects than humans. But even more probable is that the random steps of evolution would lead somewhere unfamiliar.

  4. Quadrill says:

    It is far more probable that aliens don’t exist at all.
    “Chemicals” take millions or billions of years to cross space. By that time they are reduced to the absolute simplest molecules possible. There’s no way they could amount to anything after such a process.

  5. Eugen says:

    You got that wrong. The same chemical that “traveled” to earth, formed it; could of formed (traveled to) the other planets. The same chemicals are everywhere in the Universe, right mixture of it and you have Earth.

  6. Petruscl says:

    The same chemistry but not the same life. We evolved here, they evolved there – life probablly but radically different.


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