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Getting Rid Of A Bad Friend? Help?

I have two friends, and one friend who I am really connected to, we have deep talks and we talk alot. Then I have another friend who I hang out and often sit beside. The problem is, the friend I hang out with (Alex) is what I would consider a bad friend. I can’t seem to say “no” to his requests and I usually treat him nicely, but he doesn’t hesitate to treat me badly. Then I have my other friend, who for this example is going to be called Mark. Mark said he was going to cut off all affiliation with me, since I am affiliated with Alex. I now only have Alex, and my other friend Mark is not going to be for me until I remove my affiliation from Alex and establish my own way.
I believe that a true friend is one who stabs you in the front and is completely honest with you and how they feel about you and how they want you to change. I see this as Mark trying to change me and getting me to cut off affiliation with my friend Alex, which is what I want to do. What should I do? I really value my friend Mark, but I can’t just go to Alex and say, bye gtfo, done. Alex considers me and him very close, but I value Mark more. What should I do to resolve this?

No Responses to “Getting Rid Of A Bad Friend? Help?”

  1. Kevin says:

    Talk it over

  2. I like you says:

    just ignore them. done

  3. Trust me says:

    If you have two friends that refuse to allow to be a friend of each other (without their being friends) then I would score them on their positive points and negative points. Scores for different things don’t have to be equal, so you might mark “How long I’ve known them” as a score out of ten. Think of all the things you need from your friends, things you appreciate and annoy you about these two particular people and then whichever one gets the most is probably the better friend.
    Or you could toss a coin…

  4. chris says:

    To be honest I feel like you know the answer. My father used to always tell me: friends are like pennies. They come and go, and most of the time you don’t really notice. The trick is to hold on to the quarters. They are the ones that will eventualy add up in life. You CAN tell Alex your done hanging with him. You are the only person in life that you will always have to live with. Don’t waist time with people who don’t and probably never will make a difference in your life. I hope I helped and I wish you luck!


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