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Why Are Scientists Concerned About Climate Change If Life Thrives Better In A Hot World?

The fossil record suggests an enormous amount of biodiversity in the ages like the Eocene (jungles worldwide). Also, one time in the Campanian (starting 77,500,000 years ago for approx. 3,000,000 years), North America’s diversity of large dinosaurs exploded, and this correlates with a temperature rise.

No Responses to “Why Are Scientists Concerned About Climate Change If Life Thrives Better In A Hot World?”

  1. jim z says:

    Some scientists are concerned about it and other scientists think the risks are exaggerated. I think they are often exaggerated for a political purpose. Some life thrives in a hotter climate but it depends on a lot of factors. I doubt that CO2 is moving us toward a late Creataceous climate. Don’t fall for the hype. CO2 isn’t the only factor that determines temperature. It is likely that CO2 in the Cretaceous was high because the temperature was high, not vice versa IMO.
    Diversity exploded in the Campanian but diversity dropped at the end of the Cretacaceous. This drop in diversity may have been caused by the drying of the inland sea and the connection of different continents which caused a mixing of different species from different lands. This resulted in some species losing their niches to others and it is possible that the introduction of new parasites from these new species may have also killed off the dinosaurs. Mammals were evolving with flowering plants. Grasses developed which may have been difficult for dinosaurs to eat. These things may have had more to do with the death of dinosaurs than Asteroids and Deccan Basalt flows. IMO the Deccan Basalt theory has been propped up lately probably because it involves CO2 and therefore a fashionable theory that tends to get more funding but I digress.
    Note: Only an alarmist would fret that it is 84 degrees instead of 83. Many if not most of these alarmists are useful idiots and some aren’t that useful. They are all leftists but they can’t look in the mirror and see that influences their views. They can’t separate their ideology from the scientific belief. Science isn’t about belief unless you are an alarmists or a deluded scientist.
    John is pretty deluded and obviously igorant of science. Dinosaurs used to be believed to be cold blooded. Some brilliant paleontologists went against consensus and demonstrated that they are certainly warm blooded. Some lived in the polar regions. Their blood vessels and growth are consistent with warm bloodedness. Then he goes on to suggest that “Our species, certainly, suffers greatly under warmer conditions.” When he is that confused about science, it is easy to see why he is an alarmist. In fact, humans are evolved to withstand heat more than almost any other species. Persistance hunting allowed our ancestors to run down animals that were much faster and stronger. It probably pushed our ancestors to evolve many things to protect us from overheating such as general lack of hair, sweating, upright posture, bipedalism, etc. all of which allows us to withstand warming. Cold on the other hand is associated with plagues and pestilence probably mostly because it makes us go inside more. He got it bass ackwards as usual.

  2. Rosalind says:

    Your question is a thought provoking. Scientist are interested in the preservation of life. The universe is under its studies. It helps them understand the movement of the stars and planet in relation to the life on on earth. Some million years ago, those animals that thrives in hot temperature become adopted to it such that for a while they become alive, but, due to some changing of the stars and planets like if a star gives off its heat is considered as it is going to die. If this happens some of the fire coming from such dying star hits the earth, it causes the extinction(death) of those ancient animals as the dinosaurs for actually they were burnt to death. It is our hope those scientist can come up with a measure to escape such catastrophe in a way before it hits the earth. The studies show that if it is meet mid-air or quite a far distance in the space and be destroyed before it hit the earth, then, this is for this reason the scienties are really busy dicovering for the prevention of a repeat on those poor dinosaurs with no way of its protection for such catastrophe. With our high technology it is not far from destroying invaders mid way to our earth. Therefore it is being monitored 24/7 hours as seen through its high tech telescopes. Hope this gives you some light in the understanding of the movement of the universe.

  3. Chem Flunky says:

    At least half of the problem is the *speed* of change. I think there is something of a difference of scientific opinion about whether warm or cold times are better for life as a whole, but ask anyone who really knows what they’re talking about whether they’d rather have a 5 degree temperature change in the direction of their choice in a century, or a 5 degree change in the other direction over 1,000 years, virtually all of them will pick 1,000 years going in the “wrong” direction.
    And the primary reason for this is *adaptation*. Whether conditions are warm or cold, some things will thrive and some things will do poorly. If temperatures change slowly, life can adapt to the new conditions, the new locations of deserts and wetlands, the new patterns of rainfall, and so on. If temperatures change quickly, fewer things will be able to adapt in time.
    And, in geological terms, 1 degree in a century is fairly fast, much less 5 or more like we seem to be headed towards if we don’t slow our fossil fuel consumption.

  4. Antares says:

    climate change…..think about that….isn’t “climate change normal? spring summer fall winter!!!
    climate change is a hoax, its a BS ripoff, now that money has been allocated, the so called climate change experts are pissing all over each other arguing over who gets what. The truth about climate change is its a rip off. The EPA is a bunch of financial terrorists. The “environmental movement” is just that, a movement by the communist left, These non productive parasites just want your money…..the environment is the hoax, see who wont go along with bullshit claims about the atmosphere, its just MORE TAXATION, if you like working, but deadbeats get your pay, then the EPA, civil rights, feminism, the queer lobby, and the anti 2nd amendment crowd are your kind, the communist party is where you align.

  5. John W says:

    Actually, the fossil record shows the greatest biodiversity occurs during the ice ages and shows mass extinctions during the warm periods, the most classic of which was the Permian extinction. It has to do with oxygen content of the oceans and warmer waters hold less oxygen. But that’s completely besides the point, the issue is that any change can be disruptive to us, our agriculture, food supply and habitat.

  6. John says:

    You actually make a very poor argument for a warming climate being better for us. It is generally accepted that most, if not all, dinosaurs were cold blooded. Cold blooded species become less active in cooler climates and more active during warmer climates. It would make sense then that a warmer climate showed some benefit to cold blooded species.
    Our species, certainly, suffers greatly under warmer conditions. When we begin to overheat we tend to shut down. How many times have short lived heat waves taken dozens, if not hundreds of lives? What was good for the dinosaurs is not what is good for us or many species that are alive today…. And you now suggest that a warmer overall climate may be good for us? You, obviously, did not think this through very well.

  7. Climate Realist says:

    If life was so great during the time of the dinosaurs, put the continents back to where they were. The polar bear and the emperor penguin do not thrive when its hot. And do not forget that when the ice in Antarctica and Greenland melts, the homes of hundreds of millions of people will be flooded.

  8. ioerr says:

    Venus is hot. Do you know of a lot of life there.
    The oklahoma dust bowl years were pretty hot. Did they grow a lot of wheat?
    Do they grow a lot of wheat in hot places like Africa?

  9. david b says:

    This is a false statement.
    Otherwise the warmest places on Earth would also have the greatest abundance of life, right?
    Like Death Valley?

  10. ndubuisi o says:

    High temperature speeds up dangerous chemical reactions. They have every reason to be scared


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