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What Kind Of Legal Trouble Could I Get Myself Into?

Some girl stole my iPod. There seems to be NO evidence pointing to her. However, on her email and Facebook account (messages), there is TONS.
Okay, so here is the back ground information:
-I am underage, 15.
-I talked to the school cops, but nothing yet.
-I have the passwords to both this girl’s Facebook profile and email.
-There was not much proof, but there is TONS now.
-I realize it is invasion of privacy.
-There are so many messages proving her guilty (on Facebook).
-On her email, it says she has used my iPod, which she stole, so many times.
-She is gang-affiliated.
I need help. I want it back. We know who it took it and want it back. They told me if she was found guilty I could press charges, but could she also press charges on me for looking through her stuff?
I’m scared and confused.
How much trouble would I get in if I took pictures of the evidence and presented to a police officer?
What would I say?
A school English teacher said that it was evidence/proof and that I would not get in trouble myself.
Although, some other kid told me I could face 1-5 years in Juvenile Hall, then prison.
Any help with the legal stuff?

No Responses to “What Kind Of Legal Trouble Could I Get Myself Into?”

  1. Janey says:

    Ou could get in more trouble than she would. But don’t tell anyone you have her passwords. Throw the passwords away and then tell the cops that she is the one who stole it. Tell them that one of your friends told you but your friend wants to be anonymous.

  2. Mackenzi says:

    It is okay if you use that because it is proof that she stole your IPod only in some states you would get a fine but even in those states she would have to pay more to you then you would to her. I would ask your city hall like I’m serious that’s what my friend did and she got her radio back. She was in a very similar situation. Hope you get it back 🙂


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