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Could Anyone Paraphrase?

“When Facebook launched, social networking was not mainstream. Now, with popular competition like Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, along with dozens of niche networks and MySpace lurking on the horizon, users have other choices. If Facebook was free forever, the resulting concerns about data and privacy begs the questions – would users really stay?”
I’m from Japan.
I don’t understand what the last sentence in the text above means, among others,
“beg the questions” and ” would user really stay?”.
Could anyone kindly paraphrase or clarify them?
I’ll appreciate your help.

No Responses to “Could Anyone Paraphrase?”

  1. Erica says:

    The last sentence means that if Facebook was free forever, the problems with data and privacy would prevent users from staying.
    Hope that helps.

  2. Art says:

    Begs the question means prompts one to ask the expressed or implied question: EG would users really stay?
    If facebook were free forever,how could we put up with the clutter, is our privacy protected (the begged questions.

  3. Karen says:

    begs the question is a popular phrase used in the English language. The word ‘asks’ is substituted with ‘begs’ to make it grammatically correct.
    Would users really stay is exactly as used – asking the question if the persons who currently use facebook and other social networking sites had to pay for these sites if they would continue to use them if they had to pay.
    Hope that helps.

  4. monochro says:

    The author is questioning whether Facebook users will stay on facebook (instead of switching over to other social media platforms) due to concerns about their private information getting leaked.
    I hope that helped and that I didn’t make you more confused.


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