My German Shepherd is 2 months old, and I got him vaccinated as per requirements and as suggested by the farm man. The farm man also told me to increase his diet step by step, and so I did the same. I fed him porridge, milk and bread, and now pedigree. I live in North India, and it’s very cold in here. But I take all measures to protect him from cold. I mostly keep him covered and inside the house. But recently, he vomited and is feeling very weak. His temperature was normal, no fever was encountered, but still he has become very lazy and weak. And his vomit got me into worry…
Please advice me on WHAT should I feed him, and how frequently?
PS: There is no Vet in nearly 20 miles from my hometown! And I’m really afraid to take him out in such a chilly weather to the vet. Moreover, the vet will not come down to my hometown any soon before a month more. Please help me…please!
There’s not much I agree with in the early answers, beyond that parvovirus is the first culprit to come to mind. Seehttp://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/The_G…
to get information about the disease. It is probably the biggest killer of pups under 5 montds old.
Vaccinations are NOT “magic bullets” that instantly make the pooch or person immune. They take a minimum of 2 weeks to “train” the active immune system – and you cannot rely on ANY vaccination having worked, not until 2 weeks after the boosters usually given at 16 weeks old.
But there are MANY things that can cause a pup to vomit then be lethargic:
• a heavy burden of roundworms (see the Links section of the address above, then scroll down to click Worms)
• having swallowed some wood that he’s been chomping
• having chomped some poisonous plants (some lists of such plants are in the Links => Poisonous_Plants section of the group above)
• achalasia, which leads to mega-oesophagus
are just 4 of them.
A single episode of vomiting is not a great concern. But if he continues (and/or adds diarrhoea) and dehydrates, it becomes quickly fatal.
The lethargy is NOT a good sign.
We cannot assess your pet’s condition. If you decide that he needs a vet, then any transport that is warm enough for you will be warm enough for him – especially if you are a passenger and able to tuck him inside your coat with you most of the time. Take materials to mop up his vomit or diarrhoea, of course.
As for his diet:
• It is normal to give a vomiting pup only water or milk for 12-to-20 hours, to rest the stomach.
• When well, he is to be fed no further apart than every 9 hours until he is 5-7 months old.
In the group above look in the Links => Feeding section for the Diet_Sheet my buyers get.
In 62 years of dogs and cats I have had just ONE case of allergy to cow’s milk, and it didn’t affect him until he was 4-5 months old. If he does such as develop a rash in his armpits, cease cow’s milk as of that day. If you have easy access to such as goat’s milk or yak’s milk, it doesn’t contain the protein that a few dogs cannot tolerate. My pregnant bitches & my nursing bitches get the puppy-diet (IN cow’s milk) as a supplement to their normal meat-based diet.
To talk about GSDs, join some groups such ashttp://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/GSD_F…
[Jackie] & [Jessie] don’t know that Greyhound trainers feed bread in order to give the dogs enough energy.
[dorothy s] doesn’t know that goat’s milk is “thinner” than bỉtch’s milk – so no WAY should goat’s milk be diluted for pups.
Max the real McCoy, first pup in 1950; GSD breeder & trainer as of 1968
Well, you’ve been steadily malnourishing your dog.
Dairy is not good for dogs. Most dogs cannot digest it, so not only do they not get any nutritional benefit from it, it also causes them to vomit – meaning they absorb even LESS nutrition from the other food they eat. Your dog should be eating DOG FOOD. This means stuff like kibble, and canned wet food. Not human food. Frequently, human food is too salty, too fatty, and too sugary for dogs to eat. If you must feed the dog people food, feed him meat (that has been trimmed of most of the fat, and cooked without spices or salt), and a few whole vegetables (carrots, celery are safe – but some fruits are poisonous, so do some research before feeding it to the dog).
You need to get the dog to a vet. He is lethargic and vomiting – and possibly DYING. If you care about the animal’s well being, you will get him to a professional for help.
you may have changed his diet too quickly, you need to mix a half ratio of the old diet with the new diet for a few days so the puppy’s stomach can adjust to the change.
I would supply fresh water and a bland diet of boiled rice mixed with a little of the previous diet give at a rate of 2 tablespoons a feed for the next 2 feeds and monitor for vomiting/diarrhea.
Keep your pup as warm as possible, chilling will increase his symptoms.
I wish you and your pup well, take care, god bless.
Your dog’s diet is very poor and he is not nearly getting enough protein. Dogs need PROTEIN! Feed him a high quality dog food. I recommend purina puppy chow or Eukanuba. Although puppies don’t usually need wet food until after 1 year his diet is very poor so you need to get canned wet food as well. Feed him 1/3 of the daily wet food suggestion mixed with 1/3 of the daily dry food suggestion 3 times a day (depending on his weight). I feed my dogs at 8 o clock 1 o clock and 6 o clock. Don’t give him all wet food because he will get diarrhea. Is the vomit a yellow color? If so, he is NOT EATING ENOUGH!! The yellow bile is excess stomach acid that is making him ill, and thus he’s throwing it up. If there are bits of things like food in the bile then it is probably the dairy upsetting him. Dogs are only allowed treats like cheeses in moderation as a treat! Do not give him porridge or milk and never bread! Stick to dog food if you are unsure what other foods are ok for them to eat. If you think that milk is ok for dogs because they feed from their mother’s breast as a pup you are wrong. The mom’s breast milk is very different from milk from cows. Keep track of when he goes to the bathoom (both poop and pee) and notice if it is diarrhea or solids. If he is cold wrap him up and allow him to lay near you and share body heat. If all this does not work TAKE HIM TO THE VET!!!
Your pup may just be feeling a little sick, it its perfectly normal. Just make sure to give him plenty of water and leave out some food. He might not have much of an appetite if he is not feeling well so just let him eat at his own pace. Try to make him comfortable and let him rest, also give lots of love and attention. The same thing happened to my gsd when he was a pup and I too was scared because a already loved him so much. He is now 5 years old and my best friend. Good luck and I hope you develop an amazing relationship with your new friend!
being that your puppy is still so young he needs to go to the vet. It might be parvo. Parvo can very easily kill him and the sooner you get him to the vet the better the chance he will have. Cold weather or not, heat the car up put him in and go get help for the little guy. he could easily dehydrate and with parvo that’s the big danger. Even if he comes back clean and clear I highly suggest you get him checked out tonight.
vet is very important. my 9 month old malamute just got parvo. she is vaccinated to . i found out that dogs even with their needles can still get it..for a moment there she was on deaths doorstep. but i stayed with her for 5 days straight.. getting her better watching when she went to the toilet to Monitor her n most importantly feeding her through liquid electrolyte food every hour n water every 15 mins. the whole recovery time took about three weeks with meds and cost $900 ..basically she got sick just b4 christmas n on christmas day i took her to the vets..great christmas :S. not saying that it is parvo. but its parvo like symptoms. could be other things too..if u c any blood from his butt or mouth .please take him in asap. the other time a dog of mine got like this , someone had baited her..she died.
o never ever feed ur dog bread. it swells up inside n causes bloat..which can be fatal very quickly. meat, rice and veggies. add garlic n ginger. with the veggies make sure they r something like.peas beans, carrot..dont feed corn, onion or cabbage. as for how often..once in the morning n once at night..i feed during the hours of 5am n 5pm. i also give something around lunch time like puppy milk (not cows) or fruits. no berry type fruit. bananas n apples r good
with vomiting ur greatest risk is dehydration.. do ur best to keep his fluids up. one of those big needle things with out the sharp bit r good. u can use it to squirt the fluid down the throat. sounds harsh . but can be best for the dogs life..just dont over do it n make the dog vomit. u can also liquify food n do this.. use a blender
You need to research holistic veterinarian advice:http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Ag77…
Dogs need meat, usually cannot digest milk, and do NOT need grain or digest it well.
Try giving the dog expeller-pressed Coconut oil, and giving it a *species-appropriate* diet, taking its age into consideration also.
Your feeding him a very poor diet. Pedigree dog food is possibly one of the worst dogs foods to give any dog.
Proposer milk an break? No, stop feeding him that and give him a god quality dog food.
Feed him 3 times a day. Morning, afternoon and night.
He needs to see a vet immediately! E could die, he doesn’t sound very healthy.
Dogs cannot tolerate cows milk, it makes them ill. In the UK we can get a formula from vets or Pet Shops. If you cannot buy this, get goats milk and dilute it with water. However he could have had a reaction to the vaccinations, consequently you should wrap him up and take him to see a vet.
First, Pedigree should never be fed to ANY dog as it is a vile kibble. Porridge, milk, and bread??? Seriously??? Don’t take advice from the farm man anymore.
Second, you need to suck it up and take this pup to the vet. a lethargic, vomiting puppy is never a good sign.
Please take u dog to vet immediately or search in the internet about veterinary hospital or clinic (North India) take down phone number and call immediately.
Stop feeding him milk, a lot of dogs are lactose intolerant. Buy a good quality dog food-not pedigree- 20 miles is not very far at all. If he doesn’t recover soon he must go to the vets.
Pilla aapka malnourished hai. Pedigree/Milk bandh kejea. Achcha khana khilaye. And GSD is a double coated breed, he won’t feel cold.
I have a soon to be 6 year old German Shepherd. When she was a puppy, she get really sick. Vomiting and being weak.
My mom, ended up getting stomach pills and she’s been fine since.
It seems like he has an upset stomach. And perhaps it’s the dairy, it’ll give them the poo badly and an upset stomach.