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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Single-payer Healthcare?

These answers are just plain sad. These answerers clearly got these strawman arguments of single payer from Rush Limbaugh so I’m going to refute some of these claims:
@Andrew: It does not create a monopoly by any means. All it does is assure all people that they have the right to healthcare nomatter how much they make. Health insurance is still optional with countries that have single payer, and their insurance rates tend to be much cheaper as a result of competing with the government. (Ironically, insurance companies are ones with the monopolies on peoples’ healthcare.)
“Just look at markets where the government hasn’t gotten involved and no monopolies have been created..” You idiot, every 1st world nation on Earth provides healthcare for their citizens.
@Kathryn: “You’ll have to get an answer from someone who lives in one of those broke countries across the ocean. You know, England, France, Italy – where they are cutting health care benefits like crazy because they finally ran out of other peoples money.”
This is funny stuff. Cutting health benefits? France has the #1 rated healthcare system in the world. England’s NHS and Italy’s program work just fine as well. The best part is how we spend 24% of our federal budget on healthcare when countries that provide single payer only use 10%. You claim to be a conservative, but apparently you have no problem with spending 14% extra (for worse service) on healthcare.
@Jimmy: “the advantages are that the government pays your medical bills! The DISadvantages are that by letting government pay the bills government gets to tell you how to live, what to eat, what car you can drive, how often and with whom you have sex …”
Ah yes, the good ole’ slippery slope fallacy. I had no idea that reforming healthcare and allowing all people to have access to healthcare would naturally lead to a totalitarian society where the secret police monitor and decide everything for you including who you have sex with. As you all know, that’s what left wingers are big on, they always try to pass laws that attempt to legislate morality (Sarcasm).

No Responses to “What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Single-payer Healthcare?”

  1. No Chance Without Thor says:

    No advantages…… It eliminates all competition and creates a monopoly, which allows the institution to charge higher prices for less output and less incentive for innovation. A truly competitive market is the best option for everyone. Just look at markets where the government hasn’t gotten involved and no monopolies have been created, ie cell phones, cars, lasik surgery. Higher availability, lower cost, better product.

  2. Andrew says:… Waiting times in weeks from referral to treatment, Canada, 2011:
    Plastic Surgery 19.0
    Medical Oncology 4.2
    Radiation Oncology 4.6
    Internal Medicine 14.2
    Urology 14.5
    Cardiovascular Surgery (Elective) 10.3
    Orthopaedic Surgery 39.1
    Neurosurgery 38.3
    General Surgery 13.4
    Otolaryngology 20.7
    Ophthalmology 21.1
    Medical Oncology 4.2
    Radiation Oncology 4.6
    Gynaecology 18.1
    -Colon McMillan, president of the Canadian Medical Association, said: “The problem our health car system faces today is access due to a lack of doctors, nurses, hospitals and technology.”
    “Top doctor’s chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year”
    Professor Patrick Pullicino said doctors had turned the use of a controversial ‘death pathway’ into the equivalent of euthanasia of the elderly.
    -12/12/11… Broadcast Company:
    “Canadians are being forced to wait almost 4 ½ months, on average, to receive surgical care, prolonging the pain and suffering patients and their families are forced to endure.”
    “…every year many thousands of older people are routinely denied life-saving NHS treatments because their doctors write them off as too old to treat.”
    -4/28/12… Smokers and obese people are already being denied operations such as invitro fertilization, breast reconstructions and a new hip or knee in some parts of England.
    -7/15/12… “Thousands could lose their sight as NHS [National Health Service] cuts cataract surgery by a quarter”
    The innocent children are being put on controversial “death pathways,” once only thought to have involved elderly and terminally ill adult patients.”
    -12/22/12… :
    Prince Charles’s intervention follows a series of reports of appalling treatment by NHS staff, including dying patients left screaming for water. “Last month, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said there was a ‘kind of normalization of cruelty’ in the worst hospitals, with patients too often subjected to, resentment, indifference and even contempt.”
    France should allow doctors to “accelerate the coming of death” for terminally ill patients, a report to [socialist] President Francois Hollande recommended Tuesday.
    -1/14/13… twins who discovered they were going blind and would never see each other again are euthanized in Belgian hospital; David Dufour, the doctor who presided over the euthanasia said: “At the last there was a little wave of their hands and then they were gone.”
    But what does all that matter to utopians?

  3. Will says:

    the advantages are that the government pays your medical bills! The DISadvantages are that by letting government pay the bills government gets to tell you how to live, what to eat, what car you can drive, how often and with whom you have sex …

  4. Jimmy says:

    You’ll have to get an answer from someone who lives in one of those broke countries across the ocean. You know, England, France, Italy – where they are cutting health care benefits like crazy because they finally ran out of other peoples money.


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