The fire is hot
as he sips
at the potato bisque
so serious.
A cracker crumb clings
to the jut of his bottom lip
as if it mocks his
inability to accept
human legacy.
He is no longer getting old
he already is.
Posted on February 23, 2013.
The fire is hot
as he sips
at the potato bisque
so serious.
A cracker crumb clings
to the jut of his bottom lip
as if it mocks his
inability to accept
human legacy.
He is no longer getting old
he already is.
This snippet of a poem is a great form for your poetic wit I think you are growing stronger in this niche. It is hard to write a complete paradigm with a shift in such a short vers but this one is fully functional.
@ Cheesy I had some bad things threatening my lips too from the male authority figure that was not my dad. He might have been psychologically replacing my mom’s dad in her unconscious, which is why I had to take on mothering of her. I just wish she would grow up so i could have a little parent-dimmed switch.
I’m freaking losing it but it’s okay, we are on Doe’s post. She will not let them rake me to the spoingy room with the formal fun jacket escape like houdini ganme!
I missed the “Pickles” comment. Where might I find it?
I stuck my lower lip out once, until my dad threatened to rip it off with a pair on needle-nose pliers.
Your poem says a lot in just a few words. Me like.
Admirable example off conciseness
in this meaningful, touching poem.
Enjoyably descriptive in so
few, brief lines.
Exceptional creativity on display, doe.
inability to accept
human legacy.”
Great line. Good poem.